Red Death Condition in Rubrik | World Anvil
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Red Death

Sanguis Pestis or more commonly known as the Red Death is an ancient, dormant disease that's mutated over any generations.

Transmission & Vectors

The Red Death is a blood-borne transmitted disease, it would primarily be spread through contact with the blood of an infected person. This could include bites, scratches, or exposure to blood through open wounds.


Anemia: The virus causes a decrease in the number of red blood cells, leading to a lack of oxygen in the body's tissues.   Wounds that fester and bleed profusely: The virus causes the formation of wounds that are difficult to heal and that bleed excessively, this could be caused by a decrease in clotting factors.   Bleeding out of the pores: The virus causes the formation of wounds that bleed out of the pores, leading to a large amount of blood loss.   High fever: The virus causes a high fever, this could be a symptom of an immune response to the virus.   Fatigue: The virus causes fatigue, which is a common symptom of anemia.   Weakness: The virus causes weakness, which is a common symptom of anemia.   Rapid breathing: The virus causes rapid breathing, which is a symptom of anemia.


The Red Death is a nigh incurable disease, with the only real cure being vampyrism. As the disease progresses, the body begins producing more and more abnormal cells, which lead to the formation of tumors, internal bleeding, and anemia. The body alters itself in order to create new cells that are more resistant to the disease, which leads to the development of vampyrism. This is a last-ditch effort to survive the Red Death.   As for the treatment, it would be limited to easing the symptoms of the disease, such as providing blood transfusions to combat anemia, administering antibiotics to prevent secondary infections, and providing pain management to help with the symptoms of the wounds.


The prognosis for the Red Death is poor. The disease is incurable, and most people who contract it do not survive. The only real cure is vampyrism. The symptoms of the Red Death can be severe and debilitating, and the disease can cause significant blood loss and organ damage. Even with treatment, the majority of people who contract the Red Death will die from the disease.   The progression of the disease can vary from person to person, with some individuals experiencing a rapid decline in health and others experiencing a more gradual decline. The development of secondary infections or complications can also affect the prognosis.   Vampyrism, is the only real cure, which is a new life-cycle, but the newly 'born' Vampyr will have to deal with the constant bleeding and anemia, reinforcing their need for blood, and also have to deal with the weaknesses of the vampyrism such as starvation, decapitation, fire, sunlight, mutations and cancer.

Affected Species


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