Vampyr Species in Rubrik | World Anvil
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Vampyrism is not a sickness or disease, but the body's attempt to cure itself of a different, very deadly disease called the Red Death. The Red Death is an ancient, dormant disease that's mutated for decades. It causes anemia and wounds that fester and bleed profusely, and even bleed out of the pores, and it is potentially incurable. Vampyrism is the only real cure, but it's only staving the affects of the Red Death.   The body goes through fundamental genetic alterations to survive this disease, resulting in vampyrism, which features new life stages. Upon getting sick with the Red Death, the body begins to fight, altering itself, and most humans do not survive this due to many reasons. If they do survive, the first stage is a thrall-like stage, an incoherent, uncontrollable monster that is violent and dangerous. Then the next stage is a child-like stage, where the newly 'born' vampyr doesn't remember its life as a human, it is curious about itself and the world, asking questions.   The next stage is the teenage-like stage, where the vampyr is experiencing an identity crisis, rebellion, experimentation, socialization, self-control, and sense of mortality. Then the next stage is the adult-like stage, where the vampire has gained a sense of control over their powers and abilities, they have learned how to regulate their thirst for blood, have a greater sense of responsibility towards their actions, have gained wisdom through their experiences and have accepted their new nature.   Finally, the elder-like stage, where the vampire has lived for a very long time, and would have witnessed many historical events and changes in the world, has gained a great deal of wisdom through their experiences, have earned respect from other vampyrs, may have become more isolated from human society,

Basic Information


Vampyr anatomy or morphology is similar to that of humans but with some significant differences. They tend to be taller, stronger, and faster than humans. They have enhanced senses, such as improved vision and hearing. They have an increased healing ability, which allows them to recover from injuries and illnesses at a much faster rate than humans. They also have an increased tolerance for pain.   Vampyr also have pale skin and red eyes, and tend to have lesions and wounds on their bodies, as it continues to fight the Red Death. They also have elongated fangs, which are used to pierce the skin and drink blood.   They have incredibly sensitive skin, which would be vulnerable to fire and sunlight, this can cause mutations and cancer.

Genetics and Reproduction

Vampyr reproduce like humans and can reproduce with them. The offspring of which is known as a Dhampyr. It should be noted that Dhampyr are only ever the offspring of a Vampyr and Human. Vampyr to Vampyr reproduction always result in the death of the offspring during pregnancy. This result is also highly fatal to the mother.
A thrall or child-like Vampyr  
A teenage staged Vampyr  
An adult staged Vampyr  
An elder Vampyr
Genetic Descendants
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