Roiling Sea Geographic Location in Rubrik | World Anvil
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Roiling Sea

The Roiling Sea is the largest ocean in Rubrik. It rests between the countries of Scalmoore and Vecentia and down south near Balidan. It is aptly named, as sailors have been claimed by the treacherous waters, many claiming to have seen the eyes of monstrous beasts. These tales have been told since the Era of the Beast.

The Spines are a well-known point for sailors to be cautious, as it has claimed the lives of many ships and sailors. This is where Echo on the Wind became stranded for a time before reaching Scalmoore.   Rumors tell of a great serpent, the Leviathan, that calls the depths of the Roiling Sea its home. Sailors tell of a great purple serpent thar attacks ships that get lost at sea.
Alternative Name(s)
The Leviathan’s Depths, The Great Beast


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