Ruins of the Regalia Timeline

Approximate grand scheme timeline for the world of the Regalia. Cultural timelines tracked separately.

The Age Unnamed

Ages Unnamed

  • The Universe Was Born
    Convergence of the Spheres
    Life, Birth

    The Planispheres of Creation, Will and Experience converge, resulting in the Prime plane.

The Age of Reclamation

5000000 7500000

The Age of Primordials and Titans, and their great war for Mundus.

  • Primordial Occupation
    Arrival of the Reclaimers

    Primordial deconstruction of the planet.

  • 350 AR

    Birth of the Giants
    Life, Birth

    Primordials create Giants in their image and leave them to disassemble the world.

  • 1000000 AR

    Titans Awaken
    Life, Birth

    Titans appear to free the Giants.

  • 1500000 AR

    2080000 AR


    War of the Titans and the Primordials

  • 2080000 AR

    Creation of the True Dragons
    Life, Birth

    Primordials create True Dragons in their image.