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The Greater Fae

The Greater Fae is a catchall term for the more powerful, generally larger Fae creatures which are not classified as Monsters.


Humanoid beings generally indistinguishable from actual humans, save perhaps having longer than average toes, fingers, or even ears, and sometimes unusual eye and/or hair colors and textures. They are almost always attractive to humans. Most Fairies can use deceptive charms and enchantments, including illusions, glamours, trance spells, travelling and hiding in shadows, and even effecting transformations and curses. As a Fairy grows in experience and the accumulation of magical objects or talismans, they will grow in power, being able to perform increasingly difficult magic as time goes on. Fairies have several immunities as well, including most of the natural elements (fire and water), but they are highly susceptible to iron.


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