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53rd Session

General Summary

Last time on D&D. The Coalition found themselves down a member and all grieving in their own way. Sir Dan was flying around on his carpet, Calabash Neroxious and Fang Duskfall were trying to find loot, Omecron was getting drunk, and Gorgoroth was stealing Omecron’s arrows. While Omecron was at the bar, a copper dragonborn came in and bought him a drink. Omecron then proceeded to tell him everything even though this newcomer let Omecron know he was a leader of The Nine. Omecron was then attacked by an unseen assassin, only seeing the hovering blade. Omecron then left the bar as quick as he could and waited for the other to join him in Wolfwater. All but Gorgoroth found their way to Wolfwater town square to meet up with Omecron. Omecron than told them about this new Bartholomew character. Omecron and Fang then had a scuffle where Omecron was bit and now has lycanthrope. Bart then showed up and hit it off with Sir Dan. Cal on the other hand could barely look at him. After some talking, the group found rooms for the night and in the morning went shopping. After shopping for a while, Gorgoroth appeared outside the shop with news of his failed attempt to bring Gab back and that he has a lead to find The Blood of the Dragon. During this time he also gave back Omecron’s arrows, all with a +2 enchantment on them. As they were deciding what to do, they were paid a visit by The Dragon Princess and she told them about one of their own working with the Demons to bring oblivion to the world. She said to not open the last gate or else their friends and family will die. As she was talking Gorgoroth attacked her but missed his 1st attack and then connected with the 2nd but did no damage. She then teleported away. Gorgoroth then did some more explaining. The Coalition now seeming traveling with Bart are looking to head to the Mid Isles again and then to Ashflower to hopefully stop Omecron’s change and to stop the Blood of the Dragon. And that is where we pick up tonight.
Report Date
26 Oct 2020

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