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The Elder's Circle

The Elder's Circle is the government of the Elderkin, lead by The Elder.


At the top is The Elder, then his domestic and forign advisors, then their councilpeople.


The Elder's most trusted people since pretty much the beginning of the Elderkin.

Demography and Population

Pretty much all Elderkin.



The single Millatry is The Elder's Army, controled by The Elder and his forign advisor.

Technological Level

They are fairly technologically advanced, being very good at Runes crafting.


They all worship The Elder pretty much.

Foreign Relations

They hate the Wolvs, and they distrust The Grove, but everyone else they are simply mutual trading partners with, or ignore.

Agriculture & Industry

They grow special trees that can only grow in the Elder's Domain, that produce fireproof wood, and also boars that live in the Elder's Domain. They also have a lot of quarys, mining up obsidian, and Elder's Rock, as well as a lot of gold.

Trade & Transport

They have many roads of which caravans will travel, often to the borders of the Elder's Domain to trade with other factions and races.


There is basic education, other than that Elderkin have to go to universities on their own dime.


Most of the good infrastructure is in the Elder's Den, like the lava spout and the lava channels, which flow out into lava rivers and provide heat and energy to all of the Elder's Domain, outside of that there are few cites, as it's mostly just tribal clans as you get farther and farther away from the Elder's Den.

Mythology & Lore

They believe that The Elder's egg crashed onto the planet many years ago, about 31000 to be exact and that the crash created the Elder's Den by cracking open the earth and letting lava flow out (now the lava spout), and that he also created the Elder's Domain by scorching all of the land around the impact. They also believe that while The Elder can die, he will bathe himself in the lava of the lava spout upon death, sinking into it, and a day later a new Elder will rise from the spout.

Divine Origins

From The Elder and the original Elderkin.

Cosmological Views

They only explain the origin of The Elder, Elderkin, the Elder's Domain, and the Elder's Den, not the creation of the universe or the planet, that is something they think, only The Elder knows.

Tenets of Faith

Basically just be faithful and loyal to The Elder and the Elderkin people.


If The Elder says you can do it, you can, if he says you can't, you can't.


They pray and pay tribute to The Elder, and if called upon for duty from him, they accept.


There are no priests, only The Elder.

Political Influence & Intrigue

It affects the politics of the Elder's Domain as it's people revolve around the religon.
Founding Date
900 FE
Political, Faction / Party
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Head of State
Head of Government
Government System
Power Structure
Unitary state
Economic System
Market economy
Gold coins, minted by The Elder's Domestic Advisor's minting guild.
Major Exports
They export the fireproof wood, as well as a lot of minerals like obsidian, and gold.
Major Imports
idk wip.
Legislative Body
The Elder and his two advisors.
Judicial Body
The Elder's Army.
Controlled Territories
Manufactured Items


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