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Beshaba (Ba-shib-ba)

Beshaba, also known as the Maid of Misfortune, is believed to be a capricious and cruel deity of fate and misfortune.

Where the Cult Thrives

The Cult of Beshaba is most prevalent within the Wild Isles, but worship to her has also been observed within the Free States.

Tenets of the Faith

The followers of Beshaba believe that the deity is the sister and opposite of the deity Tymora. They believe that Beshaba is responsible for bad luck and misfortune in one's life, and that she must be propitiated in order to avoid attracting her negative attention. Beshaba is often invoked when someone is experiencing bad luck, such as stubbing a toe or breaking a wagon wheel, or when someone desperately needs to avoid bad luck. Her name is also invoked in formal functions such as marriages and coronations, contests of sport or martial prowess, and at the naming ceremonies of children to invite her to the event. The followers of Beshaba also make the symbol of Beshaba by folding in their thumbs and extending their fingers on one or both hands (mimicking the horns of her holy symbol) to ward off bad luck.


Formal temples to Beshaba are virtually unknown. Instead, rural folk may erect a post with antlers at the site of an accident or murder as a warning of ill fortune. In cities, the symbol of black antlers may be drawn on a nearby wall with charcoal. More formal shrines may consist of a post or stone painted red with blackened antlers attached, or a red, triangular wall-mounted plaque with attached antlers. These shrines often have a bowl where offerings can be made.


Priests of Beshaba are rare and are either those who have been deeply affected by great misfortunes and who seek to warn others of the essential unfairness of life, or those who see it as their divine duty to bring about misfortune and suffering upon others.

Depictions of the Deity

Beshaba is oft depicted as an aged and decrepit hag and surrounded by cauldrons, animal skulls, weaving, and antlers.


The Doomsayers are a group of followers who are dedicated to the Beshaba. They are an occult organization that seeks to bring about bad luck, upon those that have wronged them and to alter fate in their favour. They use rituals, sacrifices, or other means to invoke Beshaba's power and bring about misfortune on their enemies. They are often seen as vengeful and ruthless individuals who will stop at nothing to achieve their goals.
Titles: The Maid of Misfortune, Lady Doom, Black Bess   Alignment: Chaotic Evil, Chaotic Neutral   Symbol: Black antlers   Domains: Nature, Trickery
Religious, Organised Religion

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