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Cyric (Cil-ric)

Cyric is a deity in the Atun-huni Pantheon, and is often associated with lies, deception, and ambition. The worship of Cyric is stigmatised throughout much of the known world.

Where the Cult Thrives

The Cult of Cyric is present within the Atarsid Isles, and to a lesser extent in the Yhess Kingdoms.

Tenets of the Faith

The Cult of the Prince of Lies holds to the belief that duplicity is divine. They see trickery and deception as the most valuable features a person can possess, as they demonstrate intelligence, cunning, charisma, and skill; they represent a person who has mastery over themselves and others. The Cult is wholly amoral, an evil and good act are much the same so long as it exemplifies one's capabilities. The Cult believe in the power of chaos and that the ultimate victory of Cyric is inevitable.   Cyrics followers also believe that true freedom and power can only be achieved through the disruption of order. This doctrine appeals to those who are frustrated with the rigid hierarchies and strict rules of society, and is used to justify acts of rebellion and anarchy.


Temples dedicated to Cyric are rare, and often hidden. They tend to be located in remote or dangerous locations and can be difficult to find or access for those who are not initiated into the cult. They tend to be adorned with the symbol of Cyric, white jawless skull on black or purple sunburst, often includes hidden traps and secret passages.


Those who venerate Cyric tend to be thieves, assassins, courtiers, charlatans, and the ruthlessly ambitious. Few tend to join the Cult proper, but priests to Cyric do exist and the Cult has at times been known to have significant numbers of devotees. The Cult of Cyric is a disorganised entity with strife and infighting abound as Cult members betray and deceive another to climb up the cobbled together hierarchy or simply for pleasure.

Depictions of the Deity

Cyric is often depicted as a powerful, attractive and charismatic figure who exudes a sense of danger and mystery. He is oft depicted before a purple sunburst.


The Dark Stars are a criminal and religious order who are made up of murderers and freedom fighters, those who rob to give to the poor and those who rob the poor to take it for themselves. The Dark Stars serve to offer safe havens to those who indulge in the illicit arts and those who pay worship to the deity Cyric, the Prince of Lies.   The Dark Stars are not a centralised organisation, but rather a loose network of individuals and cells that operate independently of one another. They have no formal hierarchy, and leadership is often informal and based on personal charisma and reputation.
Titles: The Prince of Lies, the Dark Sun   Alignment: Chaotic Evil, Chaotic Neutral, Chaotic Good   Symbol: White jawless skull on black or purple sunburst   Domains: Death, Trickery
Religious, Organised Religion

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