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The Donagogues are a powerful and influential faction active throughout the Ardenals, Kingdom of Thaxnoria, and areas of the Free States.

Knowledge above all else

The Donagogues are renowned for their vast knowledge and understanding of the ancient texts and tomes. They are dedicated to transcribing and comprehending knowledge, and use this knowledge to serve as advisors to the lords, ladies, and monarchs of Thaxnoria and some of the Free States. The Donagogues see themselves as guardians of knowledge and truth, and their mission is to ensure that the knowledge they possess is used wisely and ethically. They believe that knowledge is power, and they use their vast collection of knowledge to guide and advise the rulers of the land; it just so happens that what the Donagogues view as wise and ethical is oft what aligns with the order’s interests. T   The Donagogues officially maintain a neutral stance in most political matters, however, there are various conspiracies that the Donagogues secretly control the reins of power, by providing false counsel, manipulating letters, miss treating patients, and steering their Lords and Ladies towards the Donagogues’ own aims.


The Donagogues revival magic viewing it as an innate danger, a sword without a hilt. Instead they argue that traditional sources of information and power are inherently better and less dangerous. As such the Donagogues work to limit the influence of magic and mages, they do this by making themselves as useful as possible to those in power. To further pursue this the Donagogues are also trained in the medical field of expertise so that they may replace mages and priests as the healers of Lords and Ladies.


The Donagogues have a network of agents known as the Seekers, who are tasked with finding and acquiring new knowledge and secrets. The Seekers are a secretive and shadowy organisation, and they are rumoured to have their fingers in many different pies, from espionage to theft.


The Donagogues have a complex hierarchy that ranges from novice scribes to the Grand Archivist, who serves as the head of the order. The Grand Archivist is responsible for overseeing the strategic goals of the order and appointing other key figures. The Donagogues also have a council of advisors, made up of senior members of the order, who help the Grand Archivist make important decisions.

Initiation and Training

Joining the Donagogues is no small feat. Whilst joining as a scribe is not a difficult task, prospective Donagogues must undergo a series of rigorous tests to prove their worthiness, including tests of their knowledge, wisdom, and character. Once a prospective member has been accepted, they undergo a period of initiation and training to become a full member of the order. During this time, they learn the ways of the order and undergo extensive education and research.


The Donagogues are amongst the oldest orders established by humans upon the Arm of Runedastil. Their order is one of scholars, sages, and advisers based in the White Bastion, a grand library located in the Ardenals. The order was formed during the Age of Contact, when the discovery of ancient ruins led to the founding of the White Bastion.

White Bastion

The White Bastion is considered the oldest continuous Human library, and the Donagogues have access to a vast collection of knowledge and powerful magic artefacts within its restricted section. At the centre of the White Bastion is the White Spire which is one of the greatest symbols of the Donagogue's power and influence.

Relationships with Other Factions

The Donagogues maintain positive relationships with nobles, the rulers of the Kingdom of Thaxnoria, and rulers of some of the Free States. They have a hostile or adversarial relationship with the Guilds of the Athenaeum, University of Justine, Accord, and Arcane League

Knowledge above all else

Founding Date
Age of Contact
Educational, Society

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