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Glean Sord (Glen-Sword)

Glean Sord, nestled within the expansive embrace of the Elnurian Forest, stands as a beacon of commerce, diplomacy, and natural beauty. Glean Sord is jointly owned by Kingdom of Elnusari, Old Garstil, and Caedreon   Glean Sord, known as the economic heart of the Elnurian Forest, holds a crucial position as a thriving trade hub between the Kingdom of Elnusari, Old Garstil, and Caedreon. Despite the ongoing war between Elnuria and the Human kingdoms, Glean Sord has remained untouched due to its immense economic significance, bridging the gap between the Human and elder race kingdoms.   Trade flows abundantly through Glean Sord, with goods from the three Elnurian Kingdoms making their way to the Human kingdoms, while the city serves as a channel for the flow of gold into the hands of the Elnurian Kingdoms. This bustling centre of commerce has proven to be indispensable for both the Human and elven kingdoms.   Glean Sord also stands as a unique meeting ground for elves, with embassies from Selu'Qidar and Legarvren. It is a place where elves from various backgrounds, including the Tee'Chaher and wandering elves, gather for counsel. In fact, it was in Glean Sord that the elves declared war upon Thaxnoria during the War of Thaxnorian Expansion, a pivotal moment in elven history.

Lay of the Land

Glean Sord's architecture and streets embody a unique blend of natural aesthetics and elven craftsmanship, creating a visually stunning and harmonious urban landscape. As you traverse the city, you will find yourself immersed in an environment where the boundaries between the built and natural worlds blur, as if the city itself is an organic extension of the Elnurian Forest.   The streets of Glean Sord are a testament to the elven reverence for nature. Instead of rigidly planned grids, the city's thoroughfares wind and curve organically, following the contours of the land and the ancient trees that have stood for centuries. Smooth cobblestones pave the streets, their earthy hues blending seamlessly with the surrounding landscape. Moss and small patches of grass often grow between the stones, adding a touch of natural charm to the urban scenery.   Archways adorned with intricate carvings and delicate vine-like motifs mark the entrances to various districts within the city. Elven script, carefully etched into the stone, tells tales of ancient heroes and legendary events, inviting passersby to pause and contemplate the rich history woven into the fabric of Glean Sord.


Palace of the Silver Phoenix: Standing as a magnificent palace, larger and grander than those found in Velfauna or Tel'Bacy, the Palace of the Silver Phoenix showcases exquisite architecture. Its walls are constructed from a shifting marble stone with crystalline blue hues, while gilded silver adorns its windows and crenulations. The grand entrance is marked by eight-foot-tall bronze doors, embossed with a majestic Phoenix. Guarded by shimmering plate-armored guards, this palace serves as a symbol of elegance and power.   Ironwood Palace: A monumental structure, the Ironwood Palace is a towering Ironwood tree, reaching approximately 400 feet in height. Carved windows, balconies, doors, and defensive structures are intricately integrated into the tree. Manned by vigilant dryads, the Ironwood doors provide access to this unique palace.   Caer Sord: Combining the features of both a palace and a castle, Caer Sord is an elegant structure made of thick and resilient Ironwood. Overlooking the Healing Lagoon, this castle serves as a strategic point of defence. Guarded by elves and gnomes clad in a combination of leather and fibrous weave armors, the reinforced Ironwood doors stand impressively tall and wide. Within the castle walls lies a functional interior, emphasising its practicality alongside its grandeur.   Elder Marketplace: At the heart of Glean Sord's bustling marketplace stands a majestic dark yew tree adorned with various symbols. The central area teems with temporary and semi-permanent stalls, offering a variety of goods and services. Permanent shops surround the bustling centre, where craftsmen display their wares, from weapons and armour to leatherwork and enchanted spell scrolls. The marketplace buzzes with activity, showcasing the diverse talents of its inhabitants.   Healing Lagoon: A captivating sight, the Healing Lagoon lies before the towering Ironwood tree, the grand palace, and the unique castle. Crystal-clear water mirrors the surrounding structures, creating a breathtaking view. At the lagoon's centre, an emerald-coloured spire with a semi-exposed crystal atop stands. A persistent whirlpool encircles the tower's base. The serene waters of the lagoon have been a source of healing and tranquillity for the inhabitants of Glean Sord.   The Emerald Tower of the Sage: A sight that mesmerizes all who behold it, the Emerald Tower of the Sage stands as a cylindrical structure covered in shimmering emerald tiles. Light dances across its surface, creating a dazzling display. Strikingly, the tower lacks any visible means of entry, with no doors, windows, or other conventional access points. At its pinnacle, a massive clear crystal refracts light, casting a rainbow of colours. The purpose and secrets held within this enigmatic tower are a mystery to almost all.
Glean Sord: The Jewel of Elnurian Forest
Large city

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