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Hill dwarf

The hill dwarves are a rugged people, who are both at home within the stone of Runetalras and on the surface world. Hill dwarves excel as merchants, warriors, and skilled crafters. The hill dwarves have been able to avoid the worst of the racism that the elder races face as they have made themselves to valuable as producers of raw resources, weapons, and mithral goods, though within Thaxnoriathe hill dwarves are considered among the worst of the elder races.  

Physical Description

  Hill dwarves are stout, tough individuals like their mountain dwarven brethren but are less off-putting and gruff in nature. Conversely, hill dwarves are often less agile than other dwarves. The average hill dwarf is about four feet tall (1.2 meters) and as heavy as a full-grown human, making them somewhat squatter than the more common mountain dwarves. Hill dwarves are also distinguishable by their light brown or tanned skin, significantly darker than that of most dwarves other than the sea dwarves, and their brown or hazel eyes. Hill dwarves have black, gray, or brown hair, which fade to light gray over time. Hill dwarf males and some females can grow beards, which are carefully groomed and grown to great lengths.  


  The hill dwarves have one majority kingdom, the Kingdom of Makthoria, and the Craglandswithin the Kingdom of Thaxnoria is also majority hill dwarven. Hill dwarves are a common sight within the other dwarven kingdoms, within Karthaig in the Velgan Empire, Zwerthaig of the Kasari Dominion, and the other non-elven kingdoms of Runetalras.
Parent ethnicities

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