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Step-By-Step Character Creation

Choose a Race

Races   Every character belongs to a race, one of the many intelligent humanoid species Runetalras. Some races also have subraces, such as Mountain dwarf or Wood Elf. The Races section provides more information about these races.   The race you choose contributes to your character’s identity in an important way, by establishing a general appearance and the natural talents gained from culture and ancestry. Your character’s race grants particular racial traits, such as special senses, proficiency with certain weapons or tools, proficiency in one or more skills, or the ability to use minor spells. These traits sometimes dovetail with the capabilities of certain classes (see step 2). For example, the racial traits of lightfoot halflings make them exceptional rogues, and high elves tend to be powerful wizards. Sometimes playing against type can be fun, too. Halfling paladins and Mountain dwarf wizards, for example, can be unusual but memorable characters.   Each race listed has it's racial traits present at the end of the article, all can be found here: Races   Alternatively find all racial traits here: Race Traits  

Choose a Class

see Classes in Runetalras   Every adventurer is a member of a class. Class broadly describes a character’s vocation, what special talents he or she possesses, and the tactics he or she is most likely to employ when exploring a dungeon, fighting monsters, or engaging in a tense negotiation. The character classes are described in the Classes section.   Your character receives a number of benefits from your choice of class. Many of these benefits are class features — capabilities (including spellcasting) that set your character apart from members of other classes. You also gain a number of proficiencies: armour, weapons, skills, saving throws, and sometimes tools. Your proficiencies define many of the things your character can do particularly well, from using certain weapons to telling a convincing lie.   On your character sheet, record all the features that your class gives you at 1st level.   Classes in Runetalras provides you with the basics of the classes and also tables to make your character more unique.  


Your background gives you more than just gold, items, and proficiencies. It also solidifies your place in the world—and confers you a level of social status based on your profession.   List of Backgrounds
Background Skills
Acolyte Insight (WIS), Religion (INT)
Anthropologist Insight (WIS), Religion (INT)
Archaeologist History (INT), Survival (WIS)
Barkeep Insight (WIS), Persuasion (CHA)
Bastille Student Choose two from Arcana (INT), History (INT), and Persuasion (CHA)
Charlatan Deception (CHA), sleight of hand (DEX)
City Watch Athletics (STR), insight (WIS)
Clan Crafter History (INT), insight (WIS)
Cloistered Scholar History (INT), and choose 1: arcana (INT), nature (INT), religion (INT)
Courtier Insight (WIS), persuasion (CHA)
Criminal Deception (CHA), stealth (DEX)
Diplomat Deception (CHA), persuasion (CHA)
Doctor Medicine (WIS), persuasion (CHA)
Entertainer Acrobatics (DEX), performance (CHA)
Ex-Cultist Deception (CHA), religion (INT)
Faceless Deception (CHA), intimidation (CHA)
Faction Agent Insight (WIS), and choose 1 relevant skill to your faction
Far Traveler Insight (WIS), perception (WIS)
Feylost Deception (CHA), survival (WIS)
Fisher History (INT), survival (WIS)
Folk Hero Animal handling (WIS), survival (WIS)
Giant Foundling Intimidation (CHA), survival (WIS)
Gladiator Acrobatics (DEX), performance (CHA)
Guild Artisan Insight (WIS), persuasion (CHA)
Guild Merchant Insight (WIS), persuasion (CHA)
Haunted One Choose 2: Arcana (INT), investigation (INT), religion (INT), survival (WIS)
Hermit Medicine (WIS), religion (INT)
Highborn Bastard Deception (CHA), insight (WIS)
Highest of the Highborn History (INT), persuasion (CHA)
Inheritor Survival (WIS), and choose 1: arcana (INT), history (INT), religion (INT)
Investigator Investigation (INT), religion (INT)
Knight History (INT), persuasion (CHA)
Knight of the Order Persuasion (CHA), plus one from among Arcana (INT), History (INT), Nature (WIS), and Religion (INT)
Magintern Agent Arcana (INT), insight (WIS)
Magister of Aarelan Arcana (INT), persuasion (CHA)
Marine Athletics (STR), survival (WIS)
Master-at-Arms Athletics (STR), intimidation (CHA)
Mercenary Veteran Athletics (STR), persuasion (CHA)
Noble History (INT), persuasion (CHA)
Outlander Athletics (STR), survival (WIS)
Pirate Athletics (STR), perception (WIS)
Revolutionary Choose two from Persuasion (CHA), history (INT), insight (WIS), survival (WIS), stealth (DEX)
Rune Carver History (INT), perception (WIS)
Sage Arcana (INT), history (INT)
Sailor Athletics (STR), perception (WIS)
Servant Two of your choice from athletics (STR), insight (WIS), perception (WIS)
Shipwright History (INT), perception (WIS)
Smuggler Athletics (STR), Deception (CHA)
Soldier Athletics (STR), intimidation (CHA)
Spy Deception (CHA), stealth (DEX)
Urban Bounty Hunter Choose 2: deception (CHA), insight (WIS), persuasion (CHA), stealth (DEX)
Urchin Sleight of hand (DEX), stealth (DEX)

Heroic Chronicle: Campaign 2

There is more to your character than just the race, class, and background, use the New Character Creation - Heroic Chronicle: Campaign 2 to flesh out your character and tie it into the wider world of Runetalras.The Heroic Chronicle includes ideas and tables for creating connections to family, allies, and enemies, it also provides tables for important life events which provide your character with additional starting equipment.   Remember that when you roll on tables in the Heroic Chronicle they are just ideas, feel free to pick any option on the table or create entirely new events instead, remember it is your character's story.


  Runetalras uses many different languages not found within other campaign settings. As a result each character knows 1 additional language.  

Standard Languages

Common: The most widespread language throughout Runetalras, it is spoken by the majority of the race. It was created by the Dwarves and Gnomes in the Age of the Elder Races to facilitate communication and trade amongst the races; it has since become widespread and is the language of the Free States.   Draconic: Is a widespread language spoken by Dragonborn, half-dragons, Kobolds, Lizardfolk, and dragons. Draconic is a majority language within the Infernal-Draconic Ascendancy, the underwarrens of the Kobolds, and within the various enclaves of Dragonborn, half-dragons, Kobolds, and Lizardfolk.   Dwarven: Is used as the majority language of the Kingdom of Aran'Nack, Kingdom of Makthoria, and Kingdom of Sarvartar. The language is also common in areas where Dwarf ves and Gnome s are common, like Zwerthaig in the Kasari Dominion, Karthaig in the Velgan Empire, and also enclaves of Dwarf ves and Gnome s in other areas and kingdoms. The typical speakers of Dwarf ven are dwarves, Gnome s, and those who interact with those peoples and the aforementioned kingdoms.   Elven: Is used as the majority language of the Kingdom of Elnusari, Kingdom of Legvaren, and Kingdom of Selu’Qidar. The language is also common in areas where Elves and Gnomes are common like Aine Aevon in the Kasari Dominion, Caedvin in the Velgan Empire, and also enclaves of Elves and Gnomes in other areas and kingdoms. The typical speakers of elven are Elves, Gnomes, and those who interact with those peoples and the aforementioned kingdoms.   Giant: was once a prosperous language during the Age of the Titans, however, it has greatly declined in tandem with the decline of the giants themselves. The Giant language gave birth to the dwarven and gnomish languages, visible as they all use the same script. Typically Giant is used by the giants, ogres, and Goliath throughout Runetalras.   Gnomish: is the majority language of Old Garstil. The language is also common in areas where Gnomes are common, such as the Kingdom of Aran'Nack, Kingdom of Makthoria, Kingdom of Sarvartar, Kingdom of Elnusari, Kingdom of Legvaren, Kingdom of Selu’Qidar, and many other enclaves with Gnomes within them. The typical speakers of Gnomish are gnomes, and those who interact with those peoples; the gnomes are, however, very protective of their language and are loath to speak it to outsiders.   Goblin: is the most common language spoken by the goblinoid races, those being Goblins, Bugbears, and Hobgoblins. The language is also common within Orrak Aahgith and Unvanquished Domain.   Halfling: is the most common language spoken by halflings. The halflings, also known as the forgotten folk have not formed any large kingdoms and as such their language is a majority nowhere but within the Halfling enclaves throughout Runetalras.   Orcish: is the most common language spoken by orcs throughout Runetalras. Orcish is also a common language within Orrak Aahgith and Unvanquished Domain.

Human languages

Arden: is the language spoken most commonly within the Ardenals in the Kingdom of Thaxnoria. Those who are able to speak Arden are almost always able to speak Crowntongue.   Atarsie: is the language spoken most commonly by humans throughout the Atarsid City-States.   Crowntongue: is the most common language throughout the Kingdom of Thaxnoria. It is also the language in which all official business is conducted in Thaxnoria.   Hevessie: is the language spoken most commonly by the Hevessie ethnic group of humans. As such Hevessie is the majority language within the Yhess Kingdoms and Northern Defensive Union.   Kasari: is the language spoken most commonly throughout the Kasari Dominion. It is also the language in which all official business is conducted in Dominion.   Mossaria: is the language spoken by the Mossada ethnic group of humans.   Ordessie: is the language spoken by the Ordess ethnic group of humans within the Wild Isles.   Runic: is the language spoken by the Palemen,also known as the Runemanic, ethnic group of humans.   Uvani: is the language spoken most commonly within the Uvani Hilllands in the Kingdom of Thaxnoria. Those who are able to speak Uvani are almost always able to speak Crowntongue.   Velgan: is the language spoken most commonly throughout the Velgan Empire, specifically by humans.

Exotic Languages

Abyssal: is the language used by the demons and is the most common language within their plane of existence, the Abyss. Abyssal is also spoken by some tieflings.   Celestial: is the language used by the celestials and is the most common language within their plane of existence, the Celestial Heavens. Celestial is also spoken by Aasimar.   Deep Speech: is the language of aberrations from the Far Realms including Aboleth and Illithid. Deep Speech is only truly common within Runetalras in the subterranean realms of the Illithid.   Infernal: is the language used by the devils and is the most common language within their plane of existence, the Nine Hells. Infernal is also spoken by some tieflings.   Primordial: is the language of the elementals and of the Elemental Planes of Existence. There are four dialects of Primordial Aquan, Auran, Ignan, and Terran used throughout the Elemental Plane of Water, Elemental Plane of Air, Elemental Plane of Fire, and Elemental Plane of Earth respectively. The dialects are similar enough that creatures that understood one could understand the others as well.   Sylvan: is the language of the Feywild and the Archfey, satyr, eladrin, and other creatures that inhabit that plane of existence. Additionally, sylvan is the language used by dryads throughout Runetalras and is the majority language of Caedreon.   Undercommon: is the most widespread and common language throughout the underdark. It was created by Drow, as a means of facilitating necessary trade amongst the countless Underdark kingdoms.


To give your character more flavour and identity at 1st level you may choose a feat following any normal restrictions. However, you cannot take Great weapon master, sharpshooter, or warcaster. You also cannot take Gift of the Chromatic Dragon, Gift of the Gem Dragon, Gift of the Metallic Dragon at first level or any subsequent level as they are not normal feats, instead they are intended to represent magical gifts from dragons.   A list of Feats can be found within the app.

Other Character Creation Points

Level   Typically, a character starts at 1st level and advances in level by adventuring and gaining experience points (XP). A 1st-level character is inexperienced in the adventuring world, although he or she might have been a soldier or a pirate and done dangerous things before.   Starting off at 1st level marks your character’s entry into the adventuring life. Record your level on your character sheet. If you’re starting at a higher level, record the additional elements your class gives you for your levels past 1st. Also record your experience points. A 1st-level character has 0 XP. A higher-level character typically begins with the minimum amount of XP required to reach that level (see “Beyond 1st Level” later in this section).   Hit Points and Hit Dice   Your character’s hit points define how tough your character is in combat and other dangerous situations. Your hit points are determined by your Hit Dice (short for Hit Point Dice).   At 1st level, your character has 1 Hit Die, and the die type is determined by your class. You start with hit points equal to the highest roll of that die, as indicated in your class description. (You also add your Constitution modifier, which you’ll determine in step 3.) This is also your hit point maximum.   Record your character’s hit points on your character sheet. Also record the type of Hit Die your character uses and the number of Hit Dice you have. After you rest, you can spend Hit Dice to regain hit points (see “Resting” in the Adventuring section).   Proficiency Bonus   The table that appears in your class description shows your proficiency bonus, which is +2 for a 1st-level character. Your proficiency bonus applies to many of the numbers you’ll be recording on your character sheet:  
  • Attack rolls using weapons you’re proficient with
  • Attack rolls with spells you cast
  • Ability checks using skills you’re proficient in
  • Ability checks using tools you’re proficient with
  • Saving throws you’re proficient in
  • Saving throw DCs for spells you cast (explained in each spellcasting class)
  Your class determines your weapon proficiencies, your saving throw proficiencies, and some of your skill and tool proficiencies. (Skills are described in "Using Ability Scores", tools in "Equipment.") Your background gives you additional skill and tool proficiencies, and some races give you more proficiencies. Be sure to note all of these proficiencies, as well as your proficiency bonus, on your character sheet.   Your proficiency bonus can’t be added to a single die roll or other number more than once. Occasionally, your proficiency bonus might be modified (doubled or halved, for example) before you apply it. If a circumstance suggests that your proficiency bonus applies more than once to the same roll or that it should be multiplied more than once, you nevertheless add it only once, multiply it only once, and halve it only once.   3. Determine Ability Scores   Much of what your character does in the game depends on his or her six abilities: Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma. Each ability has a score, which is a number you record on your character sheet.   The six abilities and their use in the game are described in the Using Ability Scores section. The Ability Score Summary table provides a quick reference for what qualities are measured by each ability, what races increases which abilities, and what classes consider each ability particularly important.   You generate your character’s six ability scores randomly. Roll four 6-sided dice and record the total of the highest three dice on a piece of scratch paper. Do this five more times, so that you have six numbers. If you want to save time or don’t like the idea of randomly determining ability scores, you can use the following scores instead: 15, 14, 13, 12, 10, 8.   Now take your six numbers and write each number beside one of your character’s six abilities to assign scores to Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma. Afterward, make any changes to your ability scores as a result of your race choice.   After assigning your ability scores, determine your ability modifiers using the Ability Scores and Modifiers table. To determine an ability modifier without consulting the table, subtract 10 from the ability score and then divide the result by 2 (round down). Write the modifier next to each of your scores.   4. Describe Your Character   Once you know the basic game aspects of your character, it’s time to flesh him or her out as a person. Your character needs a name. Spend a few minutes thinking about what he or she looks like and how he or she behaves in general terms.   Using the information in the Personality and Background section, you can flesh out your character’s physical appearance and personality traits. Choose your character’s alignment (the moral compass that guides his or her decisions) and ideals. The Personality and Background section also helps you identify the things your character holds most dear, called bonds, and the flaws that could one day undermine him or her.   Your character’s background describes where he or she came from, his or her original occupation, and the character’s place in the D&D world. Your DM might offer additional backgrounds beyond the ones included in the Personality and Background section, and might be willing to work with you to craft a background that’s a more precise fit for your character concept.   A background gives your character a background feature (a general benefit) and proficiency in two skills, and it might also give you additional languages or proficiency with certain kinds of tools. Record this information, along with the personality information you develop, on your character sheet.   Your Character's Abilities   Take your character’s ability scores and race into account as you flesh out his or her appearance and personality. A very strong character with low Intelligence might think and behave very differently from a very smart character with low Strength.   For example, high Strength usually corresponds with a burly or athletic body, while a character with low Strength might be scrawny or plump.   A character with high Dexterity is probably lithe and slim, while a character with low Dexterity might be either gangly and awkward or heavy and thick-fingered.   A character with high Constitution usually looks healthy, with bright eyes and abundant energy. A character with low Constitution might be sickly or frail.   A character with high Intelligence might be highly inquisitive and studious, while a character with low Intelligence might speak simply or easily forget details.   A character with high Wisdom has good judgment, empathy, and a general awareness of what’s going on. A character with low Wisdom might be absent-minded, foolhardy, or oblivious.   A character with high Charisma exudes confidence, which is usually mixed with a graceful or intimidating presence. A character with a low Charisma might come across as abrasive, inarticulate, or timid.   5. Choose Equipment   Your class and background determine your character’s starting equipment, including weapons, armor, and other adventuring gear. Record this equipment on your character sheet. All such items are detailed in the Equipment section.   Instead of taking the gear given to you by your class and background, you can purchase your starting equipment. You have a number of gold pieces (gp) to spend based on your class, as shown in the Equipment section. Extensive lists of equipment, with prices, also appear in that section. If you wish, you can also have one trinket at no cost (see the "Trinkets" table at the end of the Equipment section).   Your Strength score limits the amount of gear you can carry. Try not to purchase equipment with a total weight (in pounds) exceeding your Strength score times 15. "Using Ability Scores" has more information on carrying capacity.

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