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Weave Aberration

‘Weave aberrations are the Weave brought to life, they embody its magical forces and make ample use of them in everything they do, and they seek to escape the Weave.’ - Fiona Tansig

The weave aberrations are creatures that are native to the Weave, a plane of existence which is an echo of Runetalras and the Prime Material Plane. The Weave is the fundamental plane of magic, and weave aberrations are a physical embodiment of magic and the Weave itself, just elementals are the embodiment of the Elemental Planes. Weave aberrations as the Weave made manifest, their every essence is magical from their touch to their attacks.   Weave aberrations are not truly born, instead they can be spontaneously created when a creature draws on the Weave to cast a spell, they embody the school of magic called upon and the person who called upon it. Sometimes a weave aberration can become obsessed with the individual that inadvertently created it. This is not the only way weave aberrations are created, the powerful winds of magic in the Weave are able to coalesce into weave aberrations and they are likewise able to form in areas of great arcane power.   Weave aberrations are intelligent and cruel creatures, they are perfectly capable of higher thinking and communicating with mortals albeit through telepathy. They are capable of manipulating and tempting mortals as well as overcoming them in combat with their magical potency. The weave aberrations seem to have an insatiable desire to escape the Weave, some have proposed that existence within the Weave is physically painful for them, that they yearn to possess physical form, or they simply desire to destroy; weave aberrations have not proved willing to answer these questions honestly. Weave aberrations do not have names as such, but powerful or ambitious ones take monikers to be known throughout the Weave and Runetalras.   Weave aberrations do not truly have a society of their own, they do not build settlements or form cooperative groups; instead their social structure is built upon force and coercion, where the strong subjugate the weak into their service. In this way powerful weave aberrations war eternally with one another seeking dominance and a way out of the Weave, leaving the Weave an even more desolate wasteland.   Weave aberrations possess the innate ability to sense magic users, or at the very least the ability to sense when someone manipulates the Weave. Further, they seem to be drawn towards practitioners of both hemomancy and necromancy perhaps because of the increase in potency or violence of the magic, or maybe because practitioners of those arts are usually more desperate. Weave Aberrations hunt and target spellcasters, more so hemomancers and necromancers, and either possess them, destroy them, or kill and reanimate their corpse.   Weave aberrations are most commonly encountered by mortals on Runetalras as abominations, and manifested weave aberrations. Abominations are creatures, or their corpses, that become possessed by aberrations; though this process the bodies they possess become twisted and powerful mockeries of their former selves. They are capable of possessing animals, corpses, and mortals, it seems that the aberrations greatly favour possessing mortals and spellcasters even more so, while they disdain possessing animals and corpses. Only the powerful, cunning, or simply lucky aberrations are capable of physically manifesting themselves in the Prime Material Plane, more often than not a weave aberration is spontaneously manifested by the manipulation the Weave by spellcasting, arcane items, or strange forces of nature - like Arcane Tempest and Weaveite, or for aberrations to be summoned by spellcasters, either by mistake or intentionally.

Weave Abjuration

The Creature radiates with the pulsating energy of the Weave, the weave abjuration’s form twists and flickers with arcane power. Though vaguely humanoid in appearance, it lacks legs, its body dissipating into swirling magical energy. Its face, devoid of mouth or nose, is dominated by eyes that gleam with white energy and an unsettling aura of malevolence. Its body is surrounded by intricate arcane wards that dance and shimmer around its form.   The weave abjuration embodies a paradoxical nature. Distant and aloof, it often isolates itself from others, yet it is highly protective and even controlling of those they subjugate. Through manipulation and deceit, it convinces mortals to willingly offer themselves as vessels, masking its true intentions behind promises of protection. The weave abjuration draws upon these mystical barriers both to assail its enemies and shield its allies from harm. Each ward serves as both a weapon and a bastion of protection, a testament to the creature's mastery over the arcane arts.

Weave Conjuration

The weave conjuration is a creature of pure force energy, its form twists and flickers with arcane energy. It appears vaguely humanoid, a pair of arms, its head and face disappear into supernatural darkness with two beads of light for pointed eyes. Surrounded by a swirling maelstrom of arcane energy, the weave conjuration conjures forth spontaneous apparitions that blink in and out of existence, creating a sense of disorientation around it.   These aberrations are cruel creatures harbour a particular animosity towards spellcasters adept at summoning and conjuring creatures. Consumed by jealousy at the thought of others mastering conjuration magic to a degree greater than its own, it lashes out with unrestrained fury at those it perceives as rivals.

Weave Divination

Weave divinations possess an ethereal beauty that often leads observers to mistake them for celestial beings. Their forms are composed of radiant light, shimmering with an otherworldly brilliance. Though vaguely humanoid in shape, their features are indistinct, with no mouth or nose adorning their luminous visage. Their body extends downward, dissolving into wisps of radiant energy that seem to dance and sway with the slightest movement. Throughout their form, strange symbols float and shift.   Weave divinations are the living embodiment of divination magic, their very essence suffused with the power to peer into the threads of fate and unravel the mysteries of the cosmos. Unlike their more aggressive counterparts, weave divinations are patient and methodical creatures, waiting patiently until the odds are firmly in their favour before striking. They understand that knowledge is power, and they wield their mastery over divination magic with a precision that borders on preternatural.   These creatures are capable of manipulating the very fabric of destiny, bending the odds to their will and ensuring that fortune smiles upon them in times of need. Their attacks are not driven by brute force or aggression but by a keen understanding of the ebb and flow of probability, allowing them to strike with deadly accuracy when the moment is right.

Weave Eldritch

Weave Eldritch are colossal beings that seem to transcend the very fabric of reality, its form is obscured by supernatural shadow and distortions that warps existence. What little can be discerned of their immense bodies reveals a massive head adorned with horns of waving shadow pulsating with an otherworldly energy that seems to defy comprehension. Gems embedded within their form glow with an eerie light, casting flickering shadows across their twisted visage. Their eyes, deep pools of purple arcane, pulse with malevolent intent, their gaze piercing through the darkness with unnerving intensity. Massive claws burst forth from swirling mist, their movements fluid and deliberate as they manipulate the very essence of the Weave itself.   Weave Eldritch are the embodiment of otherworldly arcane power, their immense forms dwarfing even the mightiest of mortal creatures. Possessing strong personalities and goals that transcend those of most other Weave aberrations, they are creatures of malevolence and terror, delighting in the fear they sow among their victims. Unlike their lesser kin, weave eldritch rarely resort to possessing mortal beings for extended periods, if at all, as their sheer power and aberrant nature have a tendency to break down bodies and corpses on a fundamental level.   Encounters with weave eldritch are exceedingly rare and often heralded by cataclysmic events and disturbances in the fabric of reality itself. Those who face them are confronted with the raw, unbridled power of the arcane, their very existence a testament to the dangers posed by those who seek to harness forces beyond mortal comprehension. To encounter a weave eldritch is to come face to face with the true depths of terror and madness that lurk within the shadows of the

Weave Enchanter

In its natural form, the weave enchanter presents a mesmerising sight, its mostly humanoid figure adorned with an opulent display of arcane energy. Its body extends downward, culminating in sinuous wisps of energy that undulate and coalesce to appear like a serpent-like tail. Every inch of its form is adorned with coalesced arcane energy, giving it the appearance of being bejewelled and gilded in otherworldly radiance. Wings of wispy shadow energy extend from its back, their ethereal tendrils weaving through the air with an almost hypnotic grace. Its face bears a smiling maw, lined with glistening teeth of pure energy, while bejewelled horns crown its head, framing void-like eyes that seem to draw in all light around them.   The weave enchanter is a master of deception and manipulation, its very existence a testament to the seductive allure of the arcane. Capable of assuming various forms through its innate shapechanging abilities, it often cloaks its true appearance to tempt and deceive unsuspecting victims. Its ultimate goal is to amass powerful allies and secure a willing host for possession, a task it accomplishes through a combination of seduction, deception, and misdirection.   Encounters with the weave enchanter are fraught with peril, as its charms are as potent as they are deceptive. It uses its shapechanging abilities to assume the guise of those its victims desire most, weaving intricate illusions to ensnare their minds and cloud their judgement. Once ensnared, it employs a combination of flattery and manipulation to coax its victims into willingly offering themselves as hosts for possession, their desires twisted and warped by the enchanter's malevolent influence.   To face a weave enchanter is to confront the darker aspects of the arcane, a creature whose very existence is steeped in deceit and treachery. Its seductive charms and beguiling enchantment make it a formidable adversary, capable of turning friend against friend and sowing discord among even the most stalwart of allies. Only those with the strength of will and clarity of mind can hope to resist its insidious influence and emerge unscathed from its tangled web of deception.

Weave Evocation Conflux

A weave evocation conflux is a sight to behold, a monstrous entity born from the volatile union of elemental and arcane forces. Its gargantuan form crackles and pulses with raw energy, each element vying for dominance within its tumultuous form. Lightning arcs and dances across its body, while tongues of flame flicker and rage, and ice crystals form and shatter in rapid succession. Earth and stone meld with sheer arcane energy, creating a chaotic maelstrom of power barely contained in a semblance of form. The creature's massive frame seems to be in constant conflict with itself, its very existence a testament to the struggle for dominance raging within.   A weave evocation conflux is among the most formidable threats within the Weave, its immense power matched only by its sheer unpredictability. Born from the chaotic fusion of elemental and arcane energies, it is a creature of pure destruction, its very presence wreaking havoc on the fabric of reality itself. Much of its intelligence has been consumed by the struggle to contain the warring forces within, leaving behind only a primal instinct for survival and domination.   Encounters with a weave evocation conflux are fraught with danger, as its unpredictable nature makes it a volatile and unstable adversary. Lightning, fire, ice, and arcane energy burst forth from its body with devastating force, laying waste to everything in its path. Unleashed it is a cataclysmic storm of destruction.

Weave Evoker

The weave evoker blazes with an intense rage, its form wreathed in bright flame and crackling arcane energy. Though vaguely humanoid in shape, it lacks legs, its body tapering off into flickering magical energy that seems to dance and writhe with primal fury. Its face is devoid of mouth or nose, replaced instead by eyes that burn with fiery intensity and malevolence. Every movement is accompanied by a flicker of flame and a burst of arcane energy, marking its presence with an aura of raw power and aggression.   Weave evokers are the embodiment of evocation magic unleashed, their very existence a testament to the volatile and dangerous nature of the arcane arts. Consumed by an unbridled rage that burns in both body and mind, they strike out against all who cross their path with a ferocity that borders on madness. Unlike their more cunning counterparts, weave evokers eschew subtlety and calculation in favour of open and violent confrontation, their attacks fueled by an insatiable desire to unleash destruction upon the world.   Weave evokers have mastery over evocation; magic allows them to unleash torrents of flame and bursts of arcane energy with devastating force, laying waste to everything in their path.

Weave Devotion

Weave devotions radiate with a divine aura, their forms a harmonious blend of faith and arcane energy. They appear as celestial beings bathed in radiant light, with a vaguely humanoid shape adorned with a pair of arms, a torso, and a head. However, their faces lack mouths and noses, replaced instead by glowing symbols of divine significance. Wisps of radiant energy extend downward from their bodies, casting an ethereal glow that illuminates their surroundings. Strange symbols float and dance throughout their form of both divine and the arcane.   Weave devotions are the embodiment of both faith and arcane energy, manifesting in areas suffused with the divine and the arcane alike. They are born from the fervent beliefs of devout or zealous spellcasters who manipulate the Weave inadvertently breathing life into these creatures. These creatures are vindictive and relentless in their pursuit of those who manipulate the weave with religious fervour, and unleash all manner of tactics to attack and eliminate them.

Weave Illusion

Weave illusions are shadow and arcane energy incarnate, their forms twisted and distorted into a nightmarish semblance of a humanoid figure. Wisping shadows intertwine with sickly pulsating arcane energy in a macabre visage. Their arms terminate in razor-sharp black claws, ready to rend and tear at their prey, while their bodies flow and undulate like tattered and torn cloth, giving them an otherworldly and unsettling appearance.   Weave illusions are first and foremost ambush predators that rely upon surprise and the distractions provided by its Silent Image spell, Shadow Stealth, Subtle Caster, and Throw Voice features, to create illusions and distractions that lure their victims into their grasp. If possible the aberration would only attack those it has deceived and who are highly vulnerable, however, subjugation but other weave aberrations and mages, and desperation can drive it to more open aggression.

Weave Nature

Weave natures are the amalgamation of natural elements and the raw energy of the Weave itself. Their forms shift and undulate, ever-changing and unpredictable. It is made up of Swelling water, broken driftwood, and dead vegetation intertwined with the pulsating energy of the Weave at their core. At times, they take on a vaguely humanoid shape, with wooden arms that smash down upon their foes, but it also transforms into a crashing wave, battering their enemies with the relentless force of nature itself.   Weave natures are the embodiment of the symbiotic relationship between natural forces and the arcane. They manifest in areas where wildlife and magic converge, drawn forth by the potent energies that permeate the land. Born from the spells of druids, rangers, wild witches, and those attuned to the primal forces of the natural world, they are creatures of immense power and untamed wilderness.

Weave Necromancers

Weave necromancers exude an aura of malevolent power, their twisted forms bathed in sickly purple negative and arcane energy. Their bodies are contorted and unnatural, with four arms that bend and move in unsettling ways. Their head is a grotesque mockery of horns and contorting energy, with a gaping maw that exudes an air of dread and decay.   Weave necromancers are the embodiment of death and decay, their very presence a testament to the dark powers of necromancy and the arcane. They manifest in areas where large numbers of people have met their demise, drawn forth by the residual energies of death and despair. Born from the casting of necromantic magic, they are creatures of cold calculation and malevolent intent, lingering in the shadows and observing their prey before springing their ambush.   Encounters with a weave necromancer are chilling experiences, as they wield the powers of death and undeath with a mastery that borders on the unnatural. They are drawn to spellcasters and blood magic like moths to a flame, their obsession driving them to seek out and attempt to possess those who wield such forbidden arts.

Weave Transmutator

Weave transmutators are the stuff of nightmares, their forms twisted and grotesque, bearing little resemblance to anything found in the natural world. Their lower bodies are a writhing mass of tentacles and arcane energy, undulating with an otherworldly grace. Clawed arms sprout from their torsos in a chaotic array, each limb capable of manipulating the very fabric of reality itself. Their faces are twisted abominations of eyes and maw, exuding an aura of primal terror and alien malevolence.   Weave transmutators are among the most enigmatic and terrifying of all weave aberrations, their very existence a testament to the boundless horrors of the arcane. Obsessed with constantly changing and manipulating matter around them, they possess a mastery over transmutation magic that borders on the incomprehensible. From turning lead into gold to transforming stone into weaveite, and they revel in the chaos and destruction they sow.   Weave transmutator wield their powers with a fervour and passion that borders on madness. They harbour a deep-seated hatred for mortals, viewing their forms as permanent and unchanging in contrast to their own ever-shifting nature. Unlike other weave aberrations, they do not seek to possess mortals, instead preferring to unleash their transmutative powers upon them with reckless abandon.

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