Content Visibility Disclaimer in Runeterra | World Anvil
BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Content Visibility Disclaimer

Attempting to rebuild the entire world of Runeterra within another platform without the use of already available content from Riot would be near impossible for one (or a few) individuals, not to mention the legality of such efforts. Within this world you will see some links to the official Riot Games lore documents and other pages but we try to get everything here in one place if we can.   Since this is an already established world and we have simply added to it, we have set up this World Anvil platform to give public access to most of the information. Some information however, specifically that which we have written and created ourselves, will be tied to a Patreon subscription. This content mostly revolves around TTRPG specific additions such as adventures, npcs, monsters etc. used in our own Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition games.   But don't let the Patreon discourage your use of this world for you own games. You may not see all the stat blocks, quests, adventure hooks and other wonderfully crafted content we have written but that doesn't mean this isn't a wonderful source to springboard your own campaigns. The public information is more than enough to design your own exciting adventures within the world and work as a nexus of content for you and your players. Plus we will occasional add some of this exclusive content to the public view for free, so you will want to check back to the What's New page periodically to check out what's new.   I thank you for understanding our stance on content visibility and look forward to hearing of the grand adventures you and your players embark on in the future.  
  • Dillon "No Hobo" Irminger
  • "Time flies like an arrow. Fruit flies like banana."


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