Factions of Piltover

Mercantile Clans



Lord Arvino's untimely death thrusted his sheltered daughter Sofia into leading one of the richest families in Piltover. She had fallen in love with Marko Volkage, a Zaunite chem-baron trying to gain power in Piltover. They planned an engagement in a Zaun cultivar, but it was cut short when Camille assassinated Volkage. Camille then made a deal with the intelligencer of House Arvino, Adalbert, to keep Sofia out of trouble.  


Uberti was the first to design the self-locomotor, but rumor has it that one of Clan Medarda's agents stole some schematics of this project, leading to the creation of a self-locomotor in Clan Medarda's mansion. Clan Torek also tried to convince Uberti to join it, and it is unknown which clan she is in.  


"For family, will I give." Clan Ferros gained most of its wealth through a rare crystal harvested from the Brackern of Shurima. Utilizing certain shadow investments in chemtech and runic alchemy, the Ferros family brought to market the synthetic hex-crystals: less powerful, but easier to procure. Such power often comes with consequences, and the production of synthetic crystals is rumored to be a heavy contributor to the Zaun Gray.  


Jayce earned the honor of being the youngest apprenta (apprentus) to ever be offered patronage by Clan Giopara, one of Piltover's most respected ruling clans. He spent most of his early years constructing potential hextech devices and designing transformable multi-tools for Piltover's working class. Ferros would later outbit Giopara and take Jayce as their apprenta.  


A well known clan that refused a Zaunite boy for apprenticeship, after which Boswell Holloran almost died from a fall from a mysterious gust of wind that launched him off his balcony.  


The Kirammans are a wealthy and influential family of hextech artificers. They are also known for their lavish lifestyle of hunting in the wilder lands outside of Piltover.  


The Merdardas command great prestige and influence due to their efforts in constructing the Sun Gates. With the revenue generated by his father's piston patents, Master Jago funded research into using hextech to speed up the operation of the Sun Gates. Heir apparent Jae preferred hunting ancient artifacts over managing the family business, much to his father's chagrin.  


Clan Tariost is a powerhouse in the shipping trade. Lady Aurelie fell in love with Karvyq the Silverhanded during the last Jubilee, but the clan did not approve of his low standing. After Aurelie passed away, Karvyq stole her ashes to honor a promise he made that day.  




The Wardens

The Wardens are the law enforcement organization in Piltover, funded by trade taxes and 'generous' contributions from the mercantile clans. Many of these donations take the form of unique hextech, such as specialized weaponry and other tools.


Detectives are nothing without leads. An archivist's job is to collect every scrap of intel and create new possibilities where none previously existed.


Elite Wardens designated in the Armaments Department are specially tasked in building and maintaining warden weapons and equipment


Sometimes also referred to as detectives, these wardens are tasked to investigate and deduce what kind of a crime has been committed. They often collect information to solve crimes by talking to witnesses and informants, collecting physical evidence, or searching records in databases. This leads them to arrest criminals and enable them to be convicted in court.  


Wardens assigned to monitor specified areas in Piltover, to inspect their areas at regular intervals and watch for any signs of problems of any kind; these would be the wardens most commonly encountered by the public. Their duties include responding to calls for service, making arrests, resolving disputes, taking crime reports, conducting traffic enforcement, and other peace keeping measures. A patrol warden is often closest to potential crime and the first to arrive on the scene of any incident; what such a warden does or fails to do at the scene can greatly influence the outcome of any subsequent investigation.  


Highest known position among the wardens, this is often an elected official who serves as the chief civil-law enforcement officer of their jurisdiction. The sheriff enforces court orders and mandates and may perform duties such as evictions, seizing property and assets pursuant to court orders, and serving warrants and legal papers.


A special task group trained for the cities' most dangerous assignments, equipped with the most advanced arsenal of the Piltover Wardens.  

Technological Institutes

Church of the Glorious Evolved

The Church of the Glorious Evolved is popular in both Piltover and Zaun. The church, views flesh as inferior to steel and metal and advocates the use of techmaturgy to purge the weakness and inefficiency of flesh  

The University of Piltover

"In the Noble Pursuit of Progress" is the creed for this glimmering symbol of science and advancement. Home to some of Runeterra’s most gifted minds, the school has produced countless discoveries, the most controversial being Hextech, which cleaved the academic community in two.

Articles under Factions of Piltover


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