Noxian Military

The lifeblood of the empire allowing the expansionist nation to conquer fertile lands to supplement its lack thereof.   The armies of Noxus appear to be little more than barbarous hosts of individual warbands, but this belies the discipline and sophistication required to make such a formation viable. Noxus foregoes a strict rigid standardized order - there are merely smaller warbands, larger warhosts, and massive legions - in favor of allowing their forces to specialize in what they do best, directing them to tasks or areas where their strengths can serve the empire best. Within the Noxian army, there are equal chances for anyone: everyone starts on the same rank. On the front lines, a foreign slave could be the equal of a highborn noble.   The success of Noxian armies is undeniable, and their very diversity is a testament to their effectiveness. Conquered peoples that swear loyalty to Noxus become part of its armies and add their unique strengths to the empire's war efforts. Thus, regimentation and uniformity are anathema to the Noxian way of life, and each warband is celebrated for the many and varied methods of war it brings to the table.  

Trifarian Legion

The most elite and loyal legion in modern Noxus. Lead by Darius, it takes a ruthlessly discerning eye to select those worthy enough to become part of the Trifarian Legion, but they can sort the sheep from the wolves a mile away. The Legion spread the empire's reach with every beat of their drums.  

The Grey Legion

An unofficial Noxian legion of revenants and experiments brought back to life.  

The First Legion

Among the original legions from Noxus's long history.  

Xamari Redblades

Renowned for their skill with long blades of blood-quenched steel. Xamari swordmasters take vows of silence, becoming the bane of enemy commanders as they evade bodyguards and life-wards with ease.  


A distinct military branch of resourceful scouts, engineers, and warriors who design and oversee the construction of roads, bridges and fortifications before, during and after a conflict. The first indication of Noxian expansion is one or two warmasons scouting enemy territory for possible invasion routes, usually undercover. They scout ahead and are responsible for mapping the detailed layout of enemy territory, gaining enemy trust, and identifying enemy strengths and weaknesses.  


A special platoon of bloodmages, carrying hooked blades.  

Arcane Fist

An elite band of warmages, decimated after an expedition to the Greenfang Mountains near Demacia.
Known Members
  • Basilisk Rider
  • Battering Ram
  • The Leviathan
  • Imperial Demolitionist
  • Iron Ballista
  • City Breaker
  • Armored Tuskrider
  • Runeweaver
  • Arrel the Tracker
  • Blade Squire
  • Brutal Hunter
  • Wrathful Rider
  • Basilisk Bloodseeker
  • Incisive Tactician
  • Ancient Warmonger
  • Twin Blade Revenant
  • Obedient Drakehound
  • Rune Squire
  • Adroit Artificer
  • Captain Indari
  • Captain Kalrix
  • Lord Mallet
  • Lord Broadmane
  • General Ambassa Madarda
  • Arek Teraz
Military, Army

Articles under Noxian Military


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