The Navori Brotherhood

An extremist group looking to militarize Ionia to fight invaders, the Navori Brotherhood was one of many factions with different ideologies springing from the Ionian resistance led by Irelia in the war against Noxus. The Brotherhood in particular became more aggressive when she wasn't the hardcore leader they wanted. Although they aim to defend their people from foreign attackers, they also aspire to control the continent under one rule, and are willing to attack and kill fellow Ionians who don't align with their vision for Ionia - including Irelia. During the war versus Noxus, they went from village to village, snatching the young and able while using violence against anyone who dares object.   Leadership in the brotherhood is currently vacant with a power vacuum created after Zed had murdered Kusho. Despite similar ideologies, the Order of Shadows and the Navori Brotherhood are fierce enemies.   Presumably the Brotherhood resides within the Province of Navori but their reach could possibly extend throughout Ionia.
Known Navori Members
  • Navori Bladescout
  • Navori Conspirator
  • Navori Highwayman
  • Navori Brigand
Military Order
Former Navori Members
  • Master Kusho (Dead)


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