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Ionia, in original Vastayan nomenclature: The First Lands, is a land of unspoiled beauty and natural magic. Its inhabitants, living in scattered settlements across this massive archipelago, are a spiritual people who seek to live in harmony and balance with the world. There are many orders and sects across Ionia, each following their own (often conflicting) paths and ideals. Self-sufficient, Ionia has remained largely neutral in the wars that have ravaged Valoran over the centuries - until it was invaded by Noxus.
  This war may be over, but the brutal conflict and occupation forced Ionia to reassess its place in the world. How it reacts and the future path Ionia will follow is as of yet undetermined. However, animosity against Noxus has led to militarization and vigilantism, and thirsts for the dark arts are on the rise.

Interesting Things About Ionia

  • Since Ionian culture has long been shaped by the pursuit of balance in all things, the border between the Material Plane and Feywild tends to be more permeable here, especially in the wild forests and mountains. The recent incursions by the have released dangerous fae creatures into the realms that wreaked havoc on Noxians and Ionians alike during the war.
  • It is certain Ionia has a much longer and richer history than any living soul could claim to know. Indeed, in the more remote mountain passes, the landscape is still littered with evidence of great wars from ages past—but instead of clearing the ruins, the Ionians choose to respect what remains, even if they no longer fully understand what it represents.
  • Though the birthplace for many specialized forms of martial arts, Ionia never maintained a standing army. Rather, the ways of battle are tied to differing philosophies, passed on with reverence and care. From Hirana to the Placidium of the Navori to the Kinkou, there are are a variety of monasteries and local schools with their own specialties to teach.

Ionian Characters

  The Ionian continent is a haven for those who seek spiritual evolution and enlightenment. Magic suffuses every part of Ionia—its people, its history, and most of all the land itself. All aspects of life there hang in a balance, with still so much left to be discovered and explored. Those who call this vast continent home strive to find harmony among the diverse races and habitats, far older than most others on Runeterra. While populated primarily by humans and vastaya, some yordles and other beings also make Ionia their home.  
  • Mystic Allies. The people of Ionia's many provinces have always seen themselves as part of the natural world, and adapted their ways to live alongside all manner of fantastical flora and fauna. To outsiders, such a close relationship may appear strange, but it is through this independence that both the land and its inhabitants have thrived for countless generations.
  • Center of Spiritualism. There are many spiritual centers and schools of enlightenment in Ionia, though they might not always agree about important questions. Such pursuits leave little time for thoughts of imperialism; the Ionians have historically been extremely peaceful by nature. That does not mean, however, that they are helpless or unable to defend themselves. What impacts might this have on your character?
  • Why Did You Leave?. What drove you to leave Ionia? Was your home destroyed or disrupted by the last war? Did you grow tired of your people's lack of drive to take the fight back to the Noxians? Or maybe you're looking to explore the world and find a new inner peace.


Ionia is composed of a number of allied provinces scattered across a massive archipelago. Each region has their own methods of managing their people with some just being loose associations that meet up from time to time.


Surrounded by treacherous seas, Ionia is composed of a number of allied provinces scattered across a massive archipelago, known to many as the First Lands. Since Ionian culture has long been shaped by the pursuit of balance in all things, the border between the material and spirit realms tends to be more permeable here, especially in the wild forests and mountains.   Although these lands' enchantments can be fickle, its creatures dangerous and fae, for many centuries most Ionians led lives of plenty. The warrior monasteries, provincial militias—and even Ionia itself—had been enough to protect them.   But that ended twelve years ago, when Noxus attacked the First Lands. The empire's seemingly endless war hosts savaged Ionia, and were only defeated after many years, and at great cost.   Now, Ionia exists in an uneasy peace. Different reactions to the war have divided the region—some groups, such as the Shojin monks or the Kinkou, seek a return to isolationist pacifism, and pastoral traditions. Other more radical factions, such as the Navori Brotherhood and the Order of Shadow, demand a militarization of the land's magic, to create a single, unified nation that can take vengeance on Noxus.   The fate of Ionia hangs in a delicate balance that few are willing to overturn, but all can feel shifting uneasily beneath their feet.

Foreign Relations

  • During Noxus' invasion of Ionia, many pirates from Bilgewater sailed to the island nation. For years they ruthlessly pillaged the settlements along the island's coastlines and fought naval battles with Ionian vessels when engaged. Even after the war, many Ionians still feel deep enmity towards Bilgewater due to its denizens' actions.
  • Zaunite chemists which the backing of Noxus, were able to commit horrific war crimes during the Noxian invasion of Ionia. Their chemical weapons decimated Ionian lands that have physical and spiritual scars to this day.
  • Ionia and Piltover have frequent enough trade with each other for relatively small shipping ports like Nanthee having piltover trading ships dock at its ports. Weapons from the city-state are acquired and modified for easy use in spirit magic rich Ionian land.

"Remember what's been lost. Fight for what hasn't been." - Irelia of the Navori

Alternate Names:
The First Lands
  Government System:
Regional Provinces
  Founding Date:
9000 BN
Ionian Archipelago
Vastaya 34%, Human 31%, Yordle 25%,
Other 10%
  Prominent Religion(s):
The Kindred - Death
  Common Languages:
Common , Ionian, Vastayan, Yordle
  Notable Organizations:
Hirana Order
Kinkou Order
Navori Brotherhood
Shimon Council
Shon-Xan Order

Cover image: Ionia Placidium
  • 986 AN

    989 AN

    Navori Resistance Rises
    Military action

    A resistance finally took hold and helped unite desperate Ionians to push pack the Noxian warhosts.