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The horrific floods that affect the island nation and particularly the capital, Newcity, cause many problems both for the country and given their importance in international trade the world economy.
The worst flood to date happened about a century ago and meant that the old city had to be abandoned and Newcity had to be built further up the coast, though by now that city has expanded to include the old city as well. 
To try and prevent something similar happening again, the new city was built on stilts to keep the buildings away from the water.


In winter the storms cause the canals and rivers to break their banks and flood the city. This causes problems for the city as it damages the buildings and can destroy crops and manufactured goods that are required for trade. 
These floods cause other problems with trade as they can also destroy the barges used to move goods to and from the countryside and the sea going ships that move goods across the world.


This takes place particularly around Newcity where the densely packed buildings mean there is no where for the excess water to flow. However, flooding is common around other port cities in places such as Rusfaeris as well because of the extreme weather in the area. 
This can happen anywhere there is water and a lot of bad weather.
This disaster is centralised around coastal areas and along waterways, particularly in the island country although it is also possible in other countries as well near the water.


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