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The Agony

Transmission & Vectors

This is a complication that comes from being ill with The serpent’s curse, it often materialises a few years after surviving the initial illness.


The root cause is unknown but it is belived to have come from damage caused by the initial illness that just gets worse and worse.


The Agony begins a few months or even years after the victim survives The serpent’s curse. It starts with occassional pain in one or more limb which becomes more frequent and severe as time goes on until it is the constant agony that gives the disease it's name. 
This constant pain eventually becomes so severe that it prevents the suffer from doing anything but lie in bed suffering. 
Some argue that the greatest cruelty of this illness is that it does not on its own kill, it is a torture that the victim can only escape through suicide or the mercy of someone else killing them.


There is no treatment for this illness, often in the early stages painkillers are given to allivate the suffering but as the disease progresses these stop being effective and the victim is just left to suffer.


This illness cannot on its own kill, instead the victim feels ever increasing pain which eventually drives most victims to suicide to escape the torturous pain that they are existing with.


The only prevention available is to try and prevent catching The serpent’s curse in the first place, once someone has had that only time will tell if they will also develop The Agony following their recovery.


There seems to be no way to predict who will and who won't suffer from The Agony following survival from The serpent’s curse.

Cultural Reception

Victims of this condition are generally ignored, many refuse to accept that it even exists which is why it has never been given a proper name. The victims are force to suffer in silence and on the fringes of their societies.
Chronic, Acquired
Extremely Rare
Affected Species


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