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Morrighan Shadowmore

Paladin of the Raven Queen Morrighan Shadowmore

Paladin of the Raven Queen sent to retrieve the Holy text for her goddess the Raven Queen

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Lawful Good
Ice Blue
Raven Black
Skin Tone/Pigmentation

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Morrighan's Diary Entry #6

As I slept last night, I had another dream occur. This time I was contacted by a beautiful raven with a white face. She revealed to me that she was sent by the Raven Queen to help aid me in my journey and to gather memories for her.     I had a little free time this morning and I chose to go to the Magical Emporium and ask a few questions... Ended up getting the looooooongest lecture of my life. Afterwards, As usual, I met the guys at the Tavern this time due to the rain Gnarlis had to be dropped off at the bathhouse while Fen and I took off to the.. same Magical Emporium. Afterwards I head off to summon my familiar Noctus. We head off to the Tainted District and give Fen's mom's Apothecary another search. We ended up finding some useful stuff.   Once we stepped out, we were greeted by 2 Shadow dragon whelplings. afterwards we stumbled upon a very angry and territorial Tiefling who vanishes and leaves us a guard to q2uickly dispatch. I strongly suspect her to be the buyer of the last painting.

Morrighan's Diary Entry #5

Last night I fell asleep and had a dream. I was surrounded by the dark void, a familliar one, the void of my goddess the Raven Queen. She revealed to me that I had shown her my loyalty and that the oath I had sworn into before I had taken on my journey was in full effect. With that I woke up full of purpose. We gathered ourselves and sold our loot from the crypt and went shopping. I bought a cloak bearing the symbol of the Raven Queen.   We then followed Fen to his rather impressive mansion. he comes from a wealthy family with the intent of going to Fen's family library searching for information about the cult symbol, island history, and most importantly, the location of the book. This was not successful. One of Fen's sister's named Celentia shows up. Quite the troublemaker she seems. She helps us break into his stepmother's Tower and sets off one of the traps in the process, Fen then decides to wait for his stepmother before continueing, 30 minutes later an ANGRY Elenora shows up and has a short talk while Fen tries to negotiate our way in. We got in and search until one of us finds the cultist book. it ended up being in deepspeech. We return the book before we leave to the hospital and meet up with Elizabeth. We tried to commune with the late Laveena and asked her 5 questions.   1. Where was her hidden studio? - Lost, Broken, Hidden. 2. Who was going to buy her latest painting? - Tiefling woman. 3. Does she know who killed her? - No 4. Is the tiefling woman known as - "The Mistress:? Don't know. 5. Do you have any information for us? - What was lost, as been found, whispering shadows, mournful cries, there your answer lies   That ended our day.

Morrighan's Diary Entree #4

I woke up, went to our planned meeting spot with Fen. Gnarlis was already there.... but was underneath the stairs for some reason? Somehow I don't think he likes sitting at tables, which is unexpected and random. After I seat myself, he proceed to... ungracefully leave his spot. After a while of chatting and getting to know each other it dawned upon us that the Bard didn't show up. after a quick investigation it turn's out he has entered into the unending sleep we hear about on this island.   Elizabeth, the same person that diagnosed the bard's comatose state also reveals to us that Laveena was killed by vampires and warns us of the mansion in the Tainted District and tells us to avoid it. With that we took off to the Tainted District.   They were not joking with that title. as upon arrival we all emptied our breakfast due to the putrid stench in the air. Fen had the idea to go visit his late mother's ruined Apothecary in search of anything that may be helpful. We found a holly symbol of a sort. With that we decided to head to the Catacombs. We... learned that stealth is not our forte, as none of us were sneaky and we alerted the enemy cultists that were there. With stealth thrown out the window we charged into the Catacombs. There was a handful waiting for us that we took out efficiently. I'm proud of myself. Along the way we learned that it was taken over by cultists and Zombies. Apparently doors were the real danger here along with the other two's idiotic way of "handling" them, that is, until I reminded them that Fen has a key. I swear that I was the only adult here until some tiny children CHILDREN cultists bested me. After I came to, I discovered that the others were able to diffuse the situation and we decided to escort them back to town to take them to a safe place. On the way out though, the children lead us to a small treasure trove where we got a lot of shiny goodies.   Elizabeth was NOT amused by our two gifts we brought her, even after we took care of them and fed them and reassured they would be safe.

Morrighan's Diary Entree #3

Day 3 on the island. My adventure begins. This time I go to the Sapphire Thorn to meet the other tavern owner. River the Orc. Ordered a Strawberry Sorbet as well as a nice beef stew. While enjoying my breakfast and music Fen the not-as-ragged shows up and joins me at my small table for 2. Turns out he was assigned to keep an eye on me. A little much, but hey since he's stuck with me I tell him my story and recruit him to my cause. He seems to be cool with it as it gets him off of guard duty. Shortly afterwards our small table is joined by both Gnarlis and Travian from yesterday. we all quickly shifted to a bigger table and gave proper introductions. Fen guides us to the Church of the Raven Queen to gather more information. afterwards it was revealed to me that the book exists outside the city walls. Fen in all his excitement wants to jump the walls and circumvent the laws. I just can't have that and suggest that we at least try to take the more... diplomatic approach. After some initial resistance, I was able to convince Fen of my approach, this leads us to the council where we were quickly granted permission to leave but with the caveat that we investigate the mystery murder of Levina Riverlight in the Tainted District. Fen the Distressed suggested we rest the night and that we meet up at the Turquoise Turtle to start our adventure...   I'm pretty excited!

Morrighan's Diary Entry # 2

I start my day by going back to the Turquoise Turtle ordering my favorite drink a Mango Sorbet (My Favorite) and a nice Brisket. I was in the middle of waking up and getting my thoughts together when this bard shows up and demands access to the stage or something. a few other people show up, including a rather ragged looking guard that looks like he's ready to collapse from exhaustion, poor guy. Then the alarms go off and we all rush out to the town square where were greeted with some guy shouting about gods abandoning us and several shadows. Unfortunately my training was failing me in combat and the Bard took notice, I blame him. Unfortnately after battle I tried to teach him manners via my pommel and failed then as well. Calhaun shows up asking what's going on and proceeds to be publicly admonished by the ragged guard. after which we all introduced ourselves. Turn's out the ragged guard's name is Fen who had just got off a 4 day shift! The bard's name is Travian, and the Furblog's name is Gnarlis, he seems like a nice guy. After we part ways I head back to the barracks to work on my form and get some rest.

Morrighan's Diary Entree #1

After a long week of rough seas, I finally arrive at the shores of Rythleia. This is it, the start of my adventure. I have not been so far away from home. But once that ship set sail I knew there was no turning back, for I was sent by the Goddess Herself to find the Sacred Text. So here I am, armored up, scroll in hand. The reception was not warm at all. Security was high, there were rumors of nightmares and a murder. I was escorted to meet Kylar Riverlight, Head Paladin of the Raven Queen. After I explain to him my mission to him, I am introduced to Calhaun Farbalar where I was told to prove my loyalty to the Raven Queen and earn their trust to move about town without escorts. After a free meal at the Turquoise Turtle I was sent to the Temple were I communed with the Raven Queen once more. "I understand your worry my child, fear not for you are in the right place" Says the Raven Queen. I emerge out of the blood with her token at hand and present it to Calhaun. After which I was sent free to go. after a little exploring I rest at the Barracks.  


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