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Paladin of the Raven Queen Morrighan Shadowmore

Level 7/2 Half Elf LG Paladin/Warlock
83 / 83 HP

Paladin of the Raven Queen sent to retrieve the Holy text for her goddess the Raven Queen

Campaign & Party

Mon 15th Jun 2020 02:04

Morrighan's Diary Entry #6

by Paladin of the Raven Queen Morrighan Shadowmore

As I slept last night, I had another dream occur. This time I was contacted by a beautiful raven with a white face. She revealed to me that she was sent by the Raven Queen to help aid me in my journey and to gather memories for her.
I had a little free time this morning and I chose to go to the Magical Emporium and ask a few questions... Ended up getting the looooooongest lecture of my life. Afterwards, As usual, I met the guys at the Tavern this time due to the rain Gnarlis had to be dropped off at the bathhouse while Fen and I took off to the.. same Magical Emporium. Afterwards I head off to summon my familiar Noctus. We head off to the Tainted District and give Fen's mom's Apothecary another search. We ended up finding some useful stuff.
Once we stepped out, we were greeted by 2 Shadow dragon whelplings. afterwards we stumbled upon a very angry and territorial Tiefling who vanishes and leaves us a guard to q2uickly dispatch. I strongly suspect her to be the buyer of the last painting.

Morrighan's Journal Ordered oldest to newest

The major events and journals in Morrighan's history, from the beginning to today.

session 15 Pt 2

01:54 am - 02.11.2020

session 15 Pt 2

09:05 pm - 01.11.2020

Session 15

09:04 pm - 01.11.2020

Session 15

08:52 pm - 01.11.2020

Session 14: The Trials Continue pt3

12:58 am - 19.10.2020

Session 14: The Trials Continue pt3

07:57 pm - 18.10.2020

Session 14: The Trials Continue pt2

07:56 pm - 18.10.2020

Session 14: The Trials Continue

08:36 pm - 20.09.2020

Session 14: The Trials Continue

07:24 pm - 20.09.2020

Session 13: The morning after

02:51 am - 07.09.2020

Session 13: The morning after

06:57 pm - 06.09.2020

Session 12: The Calling of the Sword.

02:34 am - 24.08.2020

Session 12: The Calling of the Sword.

07:38 pm - 23.08.2020

Session 11 The Call of the Dragonborn

01:18 am - 10.08.2020

Session 11 The Call of the Dragonborn

06:01 pm - 09.08.2020

Session 10: The Second Island

12:34 am - 03.08.2020

Session 10: The Second Island

07:26 pm - 02.08.2020

Session 9: The First Temple

01:44 am - 27.07.2020

Session 9: The First Temple

06:57 pm - 26.07.2020

Session 8: The Voiceless Chain

01:27 am - 20.07.2020

Session 8: The Voiceless Chain

07:30 pm - 19.07.2020

Session 7

03:34 am - 13.07.2020

Session 7

07:28 pm - 12.07.2020

Session 6: New lands, New Friends

01:54 am - 06.07.2020

Session 6: New lands, New Friends

07:32 pm - 05.07.2020

Session 5: turning pages

02:40 am - 29.06.2020

Session 5: turning pages

07:26 pm - 28.06.2020

Session 4

12:08 am - 22.06.2020

Session 4

06:26 pm - 21.06.2020

Morrighan's Diary Entry #6

As I slept last night, I had another dream occur. This time I was contacted by a beautiful raven with a white face. She revealed to me that she was sent by the Raven Queen to help aid me in my journey and to gather memories for her. ...

02:04 am - 15.06.2020

Session 3

12:13 am - 08.06.2020

Session 3

06:57 pm - 07.06.2020

Morrighan's Diary Entry #5

Last night I fell asleep and had a dream. I was surrounded by the dark void, a familliar one, the void of my goddess the Raven Queen. She revealed to me that I had shown her my loyalty and that the oath I had sworn into before I had taken on my ...

03:36 am - 07.06.2020

Morrighan's Diary Entree #3

I woke up, went to our planned meeting spot with Fen. Gnarlis was already there.... but was underneath the stairs for some reason? Somehow I don't think he likes sitting at tables, which is unexpected and random. After I seat myself, he proceed t...

01:09 am - 05.06.2020

Session 2

03:47 am - 01.06.2020

Session 2

05:39 pm - 31.05.2020

Morrighan's Diary Entree #3

Day 3 on the island. My adventure begins. This time I go to the Sapphire Thorn to meet the other tavern owner. River the Orc. Ordered a Strawberry Sorbet as well as a nice beef stew. While enjoying my breakfast and music Fen the not-as-ragged sho...

11:38 pm - 30.05.2020

Morrighan's Diary Entry # 2

I start my day by going back to the Turquoise Turtle ordering my favorite drink a Mango Sorbet (My Favorite) and a nice Brisket. I was in the middle of waking up and getting my thoughts together when this bard shows up and demands access to the ...

11:15 pm - 30.05.2020

Morrighan's Diary Entree #1

After a long week of rough seas, I finally arrive at the shores of Raythalia. This is it, the start of my adventure. I have not been so far away from home. But once that ship set sail I knew there was no turning back, for I was sent by the Godde...

09:53 pm - 30.05.2020

Session 1: The adventure begans!

12:17 am - 25.05.2020

Session 1: The adventure begans!

06:38 pm - 24.05.2020

test session 2

04:28 am - 06.05.2020

test session 2

04:21 am - 06.05.2020

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Morrighan.