Rumuar (ru-muar)
Rumuar is what the lands owned by elkir clans who allied themselves in the Rumuar allegiance is called.
Rumuar is all located within Essence scorched lands
The rumuar alliance is an alliance between 20 clans. Each clan is has sworn allegience to either the vermion clan, the cnar clan or the amaroon clan. each clan cheif or erul of the forementioned clans are leaders of the north, south and central rumuar. The rumuar allegience has four heads. Three of them are each major clan chief, the fourth is called the Kanu who is responsible for the religion and peace rumuar. When it comes to small matters the Mu'kerei is the one who usually makes decitions for rumuar.The Mu'kerei is one of the chieftains tasked with this and the upkeep of rumuars millitary forces. However, All three clan chieftans are needed to disguss and make decitions on more serious matters.
The alliance own the tree largest cities in the north named Alkier. Tio'dar and kea'far.
1. Killing someone when you're not a clan member is not allowed.
2. Using light magic of any kind is punishable by death.
3. Magicians using light magic are only allowed to be in Rumuar if they are Ironbound or oathbound not to use magic.
4. It is illegal or at least frowned upon to use a large amount of fire (Torches, campfires, furnaces. ect.) If you're not a clan member.
5. it is illegal to carry weapons in the black shore or in catacombs.
6. It is illegal to kill shamans or spiritcalles.
7. it is illegal to kill non clan membes or titleless as they call it.
2. Using light magic of any kind is punishable by death.
3. Magicians using light magic are only allowed to be in Rumuar if they are Ironbound or oathbound not to use magic.
4. It is illegal or at least frowned upon to use a large amount of fire (Torches, campfires, furnaces. ect.) If you're not a clan member.
5. it is illegal to carry weapons in the black shore or in catacombs.
6. It is illegal to kill shamans or spiritcalles.
7. it is illegal to kill non clan membes or titleless as they call it.
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