Wanderers of the ancestral plane
Mythology & Lore
In the beginning there was only light, the light burned all that lived and the world was in unending unrest and pain. That was Until Ydna mother of the rumari used the spirits of the un resting dead to create the night sky. this was not enough though as she was turned to stone whilst creating it. She became the moon.
This interference made it possible for the rumarians to use magic and build a great empire, however Ydna grew mad over the eons. She turned on her children and cursed them with stone skin. To prevent Ydna from destroying the rumari the ancestors turned on Ydna and diminished her powers just in time to save some of the rumarians. The great ancestors continue to protect the living from their wrathful mother.
Only the honourable dead go to the ancestral plane to protect the living, the ones that are not get their souls torn to shreds inflicting torment upon the soul for about a century until it disappears. When the honourable souls are forgotten they will be born once more.
Divine Origins
This religion originated a few millennia after the fall of the rumari empire. It was created by Ari the blessed who was born and raised on the black shore.
Tenets of Faith
- show respect for those who have passed. defile ones remains and their wrath will be upon you
- honour your friends and family
- if one dishonours a friend or family member strike them or their loved ones down
- keep your word. to not do so is to show cowardice
- do not kill for no reason
- live a life worth honouring
The most common place of worship is at the The black shore . this is where the most honorable people are buried.
for everyday prayer however what is prayed to is usually statues of the passed ones. prayer can be from a few minutes of remembrance to taking Dera root to be transported to the ancestral plane.
most prayers and rituals take place in the clans temple.
Priests in this religion are called spiritcallers the leaders of the spiritcallers are called shamans. A shamans job is to communicate with the ancestors and help the clan leader lead religious ceremonies. Spiritcallers devote their lives to study the ancestral plane and build up a strong mind in order to travel the ancestral plane. a clan can have many spiritcallers at once but only one shaman.
The road to become a shaman starts when a Huldra is about five. it starts with the spiritcaller novice doing chores for the shamans such as keeping the statues and temple clean.
We live despite the gods will
Founding Date
Religious, Organised Religion
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