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The general clergy dedicated to the pantheon of Sacros.

Mythology & Lore

Humans were created by the gods, and the ancient elves were invited to Sacros from the Fey plane.

Divine Origins

The gods shaped the world and its society, and expressed their desires for worship very quickly. Many common prayers are ancient.

Cosmological Views

Sacros is one of many planets created and gifted to new deities by a goddess known as the Allmother.

Tenets of Faith

I. The gods care for and attend to humans, and expect care and attending in return. Rituals and prayer are important.

II. As the gods care for you, you must care for others. Charity, respect, and generosity are strong virtues.

III. Sacros is a gift to humankind, and requires respect. The earth and wildlife are plentiful, but only the considerate are granted its bounties.

IV. The Allmother is not present here, and your questions will go unanswered. Do not worship the Allmother.

V. Combat and struggle are natural parts of society, but war crimes and cruelty will be punished by the gods. Innocents are not to be harmed.


The teachings of the Väktivari are focused on kindness to others, as the gods are endlessly kind to Sacros. There are few concrete rules on what makes a sin, but the primary one is if someone else was harmed by your actions.


Worship of the gods is woven deep into Sacrosian life. Faith aside, the gods have an ever-present hand in the events of this world, and they have a clear favorable reaction to ceremonies, rituals, and offerings. Offerings and prayers are honored transactions, and the gods often send answers through dreams.


High priests are elected by their peers.

Granted Divine Powers

Dedicated priests and paladins gain a limited use of Celestial Magic . This is not a skill known by every person to swear themselves to the cloth, and requires years of prayer and study to master.

Political Influence & Intrigue

All of Sacros worships the very present Väktivari pantheon. Religious conflict as a whole is kept to a minimum, though rivalries between groups of devotees of certain gods may spring up in phases. There have been no religion-motivated wars in the history of Sacros.


Each god has their own specific clergy and temples. Temples often serve a public purpose within the god's domain, such as temples of Siara functioning as general practice medical clinics, Akero's temples doubling as libraries, and Ashem's clergy feeding the needy, and their priests are trained in specific professions.  

Inter-sect conflicts arise fairly often, but they're normally settled politically, without violent conflict.

Religious, Organised Religion
Subsidiary Organizations
Permeated Organizations

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