
Encircling the narrow strip of beach like a palisade is a rock face, cleaved open down the center by a ravine. A tiny stream trickles out from between the mossy walls of the gorge. The air seeping out of the ravine is moist and cool, and you instinctively lean into it, relieved momentarily from the heat of the beach. You peer deeper, but cramped alley leading deeper into the ravine winds away at angles, and without venturing in, you cannot see much more.   As you follow the narrow winding path your boots squelch into the mud. The dampness in the air permeates your clothes. The wending ravine starts to gradually widen, and you notice the roots of trees growing up the sides of the gorge.

Natural Resources

Metal nodes
Gorge / Rift
Ruling/Owning Rank
Three Islands

Articles under Gorge