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Šiwke (Zeribian Great House)

Šiwke is a Zeribian noble house. They are part of the new revolutionist nobility that rose to their status during the Zeribian Revolution of Der Fem. before their ascend to nobility, they were a wealthy merchant family. They claim to descent from refugeed noble lineages from Old Moon (City state).   Etymology in Ngad i zerib (Zeribian language): The most commonly accepted etymology is 'Blacksail', but ke can also refer to types of fabric other than sails, such as clothes. This is a refrence to the grim omen the sight of the refugee ships during the The Black Years (Crescent Eruption) was.   Members of the house:
Ûzeŋadise-bargwel Šiwke Gwelzuh (King), the third king of Der Fem


The house stems from the elite population of City State of Old Moon before the Crescent eruption. After the eruption Crescent was uninhabitable and the members of the elite had to seek refuge on the other islands. The refugees spread aroud the Eastern Islands during the winter 620 AH. Unfortunately some refugees carried the Plague of the Black Years.   The plague, combined with the volcanic winter following the eruption, devastated the Eastern Islands. The ill-fated refugees were thought to be cursed, and were driven away from many settlements. Some high-ranking refugees managed to settle on Der Fem, and remain influential over the years despite loosing their noble status.   They remained rather unnotable until Ûzeŋadise-bargwel Šiwke Gwelzuh (King) became a leading figure in the Zeribian Revolution of Der Fem, and later the first Vizier of the new kingdom. They took the name šiwke 'black sails' to solidify their connection to their (claimed) refugee ancestors from Moons, and thus to legitimize their claim to the noble titles.  

Critical perspective

The chaotic state of famine and plague during the The Black Years (Crescent Eruption) makes it hard to be certain what actually happened to the refugeed nobles. The direct lineage of the King is thought to have perished soon after the eruption, but many of the less influential relatives surely survived.   Despite the general view being that the last rulers of Moons were cursed by the gods, Moons was still such an important part of the early history of the Zeribians that Šiwke is hardly the only family that is claiming to descend from them.


Stemming from volcanic area of Moons , the Šiwke are traditionally affiliated with the volcano god Sahar .
Founding Date
Geopolitical, Great house
Family Leader
Parent Organization
Related Ethnicities

Character flag image: by Tuisku
  • 618 AFS

    623 AFS

    The Plague of the Black Years
    Plague / Epidemic

    The plague swept over all Salan and killed a huge number of global population. The plague started on the Eastern Islands and by 619AH it had reached at least Crescent. The mass flow of refugees after the Black Years following the Crescent Eruption played an inportant role in spreading the plague on the islands and the continent.   Koko Salanin laajuudelle levinnyt rutto joka tappoi merkittävän joukon väestöstä. Rutto alkoi itäsaarilta ja oli levinnyt 619 mennessä ainakin Kuille. Kuiden purkauksen jälkeinen Mustien Vuosien massaliikehdintä levitti ruton tehokkaasti ympäri Itäsaaria ja mantereelle.

    More reading
    619AH rutto
  • 620 AFS

    622 AFS

    The Crescent Eruption
    Disaster / Destruction

    The volcano on Crescent erupts, destroying the island. All the surviving inhabitants become refugees.   Tulivuorenpurkaus joka jätti jälkeensä nykyisen Ison-Kuun ja Pienen-Kuun

  • 621 AFS

    623 AFS

    The Black Years
    Geological / environmental event

    The Crescent eruption causes global volcanic winter. The dropping temperatures cause famine. The plague spreads with the refugees all around the Easrern islands and the continent.   Kuiden purkausta seuraava maailmanlaajuinen ilmaston viileneminen. Sitä seurasi nälänhätää, ihmisten liikehdintää, yleisiä levottomuuksia ja kulkutauteja.

    Additional timelines
  • 764 AFS

    Šhiwke Gvelzuh is Born
    Life, Birth

    He will become the third King of Der Fem   Hänestä on tuleva Der Femin kolmas kuningas

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  • 800 AFS


    The Zeribian Revolution of Der Fem

    The Zeribians conquer the Der Fem from the The People's republic of Free West Island . The Zeribian Der Fem becomes the uncontested political leader of Eastern Islands.   Itäläiset saavat Der Femin saaren valtaansa siellä aiemmin hallinneilta länteläisiltä. Itäläisistä tulee kiistatta Itäsaarten merkittävin poliittinen mahti. Der Femin nousu itäläisten merkittävimmäksi asuinpaikaksi alkaa.

    West Island
  • 820 AFS

    Ûzes'ngad-bargvel Šhiwke Gvelzuh ascends the throne
    Political event

    The vizir of the first two kings ascends becomes the king.   Kahden ensimmäisen kuninkaan visiiri nousee kuninkaaksi Šamper Hašmaqin kuoltua. Samalla on sattumalta kulunut 200 vuotta Kuiden purkauksesta. Jotkut pitävät yhteensattumaa enteellisenä.

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  • 843 AFS

    Uzes'ngad-bargvel Šiwke Gwelzuh the king of Der Fem dies
    Life, Death

    He was the vizier for 20 years and king for 23 years.   Kunnioitettavassa 79 vuoden iässä, hallittuaan visiirinä 20 vuotta ja kuninkaana 23 vuotta.

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