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Giant Wars

The Giant Wars was a series of prehistoric military conflicts in the last centuries or the Time of Wander. This article is of the second part of the conflict, after the Peace treaty of Farinos. Of the first part, see: War of Men  

Historical context

The War of Men, the first part of the Giant Wars had been a long and exhausting conflict between the Highland men (led by the Stone Giants) and the Lowland men (led by the Forest giants), that can be considered an extension of the age-old hatered between the two races of giants.  

Peace Treaty

The Peace treaty of Farinos, reached after the reunification of twins Daursan and Kauteirin, led to the unification of the two human armies, for the goal of defeating the giant overlords once and for all.  



to be detailed


As the Forest giants of Farensal were mostly solitary and had less organisation than the Stone Giants, the war in the lowlands included fewer large-scale battles than its conterpart on the Highlands. It can more accurately be described as a gradual change in lifestyle and environment.

After cutting the ties with the Forest Giants, the lowlanders and highlander settlers moving into the region, cut and burned large portions of the Old forests of Farensal for building material and agricultural land. Until this the forests had served as a plentiful source of game and wild plants providing sustinence to the small local populations. This environmental change further accelerated the shift from the lifestyles of nomadism and small-scale agriculture into founding of the first cities fully supported by agriculture.
Start Date
Ending Date
c. 200 AFS
Farensal used to be covered by lush old forests,
but driving out the Forest Giants led
to their disappearance


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