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Naralte and the Heavenly Chariot

The Farens consept the world in a cyclic manner, the world, Salan, being created and destroyed multiple times, and these destructions serving as a coincidental force leading to the creation of the world we have today.  

Heavenly chariot

The repeated heavenly cycles are seen through the metaphore of Naralte, the Sun God and the supreme deity, driving his chariot of heavenly goats through the sky. The wheels of his chariot cause destruction but also give way to new creation    

Past events of creation and destruction

The past historical and mythical time is divided into Eras, that represent the growth of the Creation, and usually end up in a great destruction.  

Great heat and flood

When the world was young, the three primal gods, Sun, Red Moon and Silver Moon compeated who of them was the strongest. The Sun burned so bright, that the two Moon Brothers melted. The Red Moon melted to blood and the Silver Moon melted to water, and these liquids caused a great flood on top of the world, killing every living thing.   However, from the mixing of these waters rose a small island, and the First Giant Melem was born from the waves, and so the race of the giants was born.  

Falling the Elder Tree

Main article: The Falling of the Elder Tree   After the Flood a great forest grew on the world. But one tree grew so big, that is almost reached the heavens. Gods asked the Stone Giant to cut down the tree, and he did so. But his brother Forest Giant disapproved of this, and so the two races of giants went to war with each other. Their fighting was so terrible, that the world was nearly destroyed, so the Gods decided to wipe out the Giants. But the Giants hid in the forest and under the mountains, and were not killed, but the age of the giants was over.  

Age of the Half-giants

After humans were created the giants took humans as their slaves and mates. So was born a race of the great Half-giants, who had the strenght of the giants, but the intelligence and ambition of the humans. They made great inventions, but were also terrible giants. Finally the humans defeated the half-giants and their last giant lords in a terrible war, and the age of the men began.  

Early Kingdom Period

Human founded great kingdoms, but the ambition of the kings was too strong. They cut down all the forests and diverted the rivers, and then a drough and famine hit. They turned their anger towards each other, coveting the lands of their neighbours, and the kingdoms went into a great war, almost destroying civilisation.


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