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Perfect Cheese Cave

The world-famous cheesecaves of Artana are part of a large natural cave system under and around the city. They are used for the storage and aging of cheese, and are the secret of the region's unique cheese favours that have not been able to be replicated anywhere else. However the unique conditions of the caves were discovered by accident during the time of great crisis.   See also: Goat milk preservation  


During the siege of Artana, in the Silford-Artana war (c. 290 AFS), much of the remaining Artanan food storage was stored in the cave system beneath the city, to save it from the upcoming rading. When the Silfordans had left, and the inhabitants were able to return to the storage, they discovered, that much of the storage had been spoiled by the humidity cave. All of the stored grain was wet and inedible, the fruit had rotten away, and the cheese had been covered by a nasty-looking blue mold. However, they were so hungry from famine, that they decided to try eating the cheese anyway. Surprisingly they could detect no ill effects from it, quite the contrary, the cheese turned out to be extremely delicious.

Thus the tradition of aging cheese in the caves was born, and what had once been a humble natural cavern, turned into the headquarters of world-famous cheese industry.  

Leitandár the Cheesemaster

The secret to the perfect cheese had been attributed to god Leitandár, whose age-old shrine is also located in the cave system. While the rest of the world worship Leitandár as the god of winemaking, Artanans are quick to remind that he is the god of wine and cheese. The bright blue veins are said to come from the direct touch of the god, as blue is universally recognised to be the colour of the divine (see also: Faren colour associations). The Artanan blue cheese is believed to be the favourite flavour of all the gods, and is commonly used as expensive offerings.
Founding Date
c. 290 AFS
Room, Natural, Cavern
Parent Location


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