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Tašals (Tašal language tášáàl [tʰáʃáʔàl]), are a people living in the Çaus peninsula (Nem, from Tašalian Šwálšá 'homeland') in the north-eastern Southern Continent. Their largest settlement is Tášá.  


Róà-ásó ká gà néfár wà Tášá pwá ká slò néswál aršá Fárášá. Àr wté héré šer gà!
— My parents came from Tášá but I’ve always lived here in Fares. This is a good city for trade!
The Tašals trace their origins to Dašar son of Çargin, a Hero who lived in the end of the time of wander. Çargin was one of the Holders of the Skyswords who fled the enslavement of the Stone Giants. He was betrayed by his companions, so he sent his wife and newborn son away to safety with his skysword. They wandered lost in the wilderness, until the Lion mother found them and nursed them back to health. Dasar grew up to be a mighty warrior, who later founded the city of Tášá.

It has also been suggested, that they are part of an indigenous human population of their region, predating the spread of the Ara-Faren peoples from the east into the Lowlands. Some linguistic evidence suggests a connection between the Tašalian and Sayal peoples. This could be evidence that the Tašalians came from the highlands, or that they are two remnants of a larger earlier language family.

Later the Tasals have traveled far to the east and west from their homeland, founding trading colonies all over the coast. The colonists have always fondly remembered the rocky coasts of their home, and their wealth sent back to the mother cities has helped the city states of Šwálšá prosper.  


Tašals live from the North Ocean that surrounds their home peninsula. They are capable traders, that have established trade routes and trading colonies all over the coast of Farensal, as well as to the unknown eastern lands. The force of their navy is also feared.  
Rá tré fár amópà Hérfé Ásó gà, èlá kletrá gà srawà.
— You should visit the temple of the Lion Mother, it is on the east side of the bridge


Many of the divines that the Tašals worship, are also identifiable from the surrounding Faren pantheon, but with their own characteristics. The head of their pantheon is Lion mother, Hérfé Ásó, who is a fierce protector of her children, and a great commander in war against other nations. Her partner is the sun-eagle Kras, who brings good winds to the Tašal navy.

The temple of Hérfé Ásó in Tášá is an important pilgrimage site for the Tašalians, as well a tourist attraction to the people interested in the history of the city. Among it's relicts it has the Hilt of Dašar's Skysword on display.

Important part of their religion is also the worship of the ancestral spirits, Táldar, and the many spirits of nature.  

Food & Cuisine

The main staple of the Tasalian diet is wheat, but most of the protein comes from the sea: fish, clam, squid as well as whale are commonly eaten. However, due to the prominent trade routes, a broad variety of products from all over the Salan are available to them.
by AlexanderVanLoon
Statue of Hérfé Ásó


The Tasal language is not related to any of its neighbors. However, some scholars have noted similarities in vocabulary between it and the Saial language spoken far in the mountains in the south. Perhaps these two distant cousins are the last remnants of the languages spoken on the continent before the spread of Proto-Ara-Faren.

Tašal is the only known tonal language on Salan. The language has three tones: high (á), low (à) and neutral (a). However, the tones are not represented in the native writing, the Nem script.

Gloss of the examples

Róà-ásó ká gà né-fár wà Tášá pwá ká slò né-swál aršá Fárášá. Àr wté héré šer gà!
father-mother I POSS PST-come from Tášá, but always I PST-live here Silford. This good city of
'My parents came from Taša, but I’ve always lived here in Silford. This is a good city for trade.'

Rá tré fár amópà Hérfé Ásó gà, èlá kletrá gà srawà.
you must go temple Lion Mother of, it bridge of east
'You should visit the temple of the Lion Mother, it is on the east side of the bridge'

Naming Traditions

Feminine names

Feminine names often end in é or ó

Masculine names

Masculine names often end in r or s
by photo by Shonagon
Languages spoken
Related Locations
The map of Šwálšá, the home peninsula of the Tašals

Letters of Nemscript

Consonant symbols


Vowel symbols


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