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Civilization’s Dawn

A festival held in celebration of Erathis, the Law Bearer on Summer 25.


Though Bahamut brought forth the races of man, elf, and dwarf, Erathis is said to have inspired the concept of civilization itself. To work together, tame the wilds, and create are all what it means to fulfill her will.


Civilization's Dawn celebrates the innate goodness of humanity and the achievements of civilization, and is regarded as an occasion for families to gather. Prior to the holiday, it is traditional for every family to thoroughly clean their home, driving away wild spirits and honoring Erathis with a pleasant abode. A large feast is prepared for dinner. Children are often gifted with money to put towards school or vocational endeavors.   In cities such as Shi Xi and Sooryapesh, select prisoners are released in good faith. Talent competitions among inventors or mages are also typically held around this time.
Important Locations

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