Knight-Commander of the White Sentinels Rank/Title in Sammerden | World Anvil
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Knight-Commander of the White Sentinels

The Knight-Commander of the White Sentinels is the supreme military commander, and political head, of the White Discipline of the Sentinel Order. The White Discipline is dedicated to personal protection of high-ranking political and religious dignitaries, and thus the Knight-Commander must both ensure the effectiveness of his soldiers and maintain the delicate political relations needed to keep business profitable.   To keep strictly neutral in political divisions, the Lord Commander resides with much of the rest of the White Discipline leadership at their camp outside Firstfort - allowing travel between any of the realms currently engaging the White Sentinels.


To be eligible for election as Knight-Commander, the White Sentinel statutes specify that a candidate must be:
  1. At least 40 years of age
  2. A pledged knight of at least 10 years
  3. In service of the Order for at least 12 years, the last 10 of which must have been as a White Sentinel
There is also a strong internal preference for candidates who have served both in command roles (Company Commander, head of protection for a single individual) and administrative roles (Chapter Commander, head of White Sentinel operations in a given locale).


The Knight-Commander is elected by all members of the White Sentinels according to time within the Discipline:
  • Junior Knights (fewer than 5 years service) get one vote
  • Senior Knights (between 5 and 10 years service) get three votes
  • Veteran Knights (greater than 10 years service) get five votes
  • Any Knight who has held Company or Chapter command gets one additional vote
All multiple votes are cast for the same candidate, and each night may only get a single additional vote for all officers held.


The Knight-Commander principally oversees the White Discipline, including all logistical, training, deployments, and diplomatic relations. Their administrative burden is relatively light, however (shared with the White Council), and diplomacy is a significant proportion of their time.   This can involve explaining the White Discipline's principles to lesser rulers (who only get protection after their sovereigns), or boosting the ego of a ruler jealous the size of a compatriot's bodyguard. In the latter case, deployment of the Commander's Guard (the Knight-Commander's hand picked Sentinels) can appease the stubbornest of rulers with their ornate armour and impeccable drill.
An anthropomorphic pelican dressed as a knight in white armour
by MDent (via Midjourney)
Nobility, Military
Form of Address
Alternative Naming
Commander of the White
Source of Authority
Military Hierarchy
Length of Term
Until 70 years
Current Holders
Related Locations

Cover image: by MDent (via Midjourney version 4)


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