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'Abra Fhuilis

General introduction

The Abra Fhuilis is the mouth of the river Fhuil, the second largest river in Andaperna (where it is called Tenkapan or Tekinanan) and Nuat Duinis Talou. While the rest of the Duinis 'Árforat is almost nor navigable because of regular weather changes, storms and strong ocean currents, the 'Abra Fhuilis is somewhat more protected, since it is positioned behind the island of Luihh 'Uilán. The natural discharge of the river breaks the ocean current from the North a bit, so especially south of the mouth the ocean is far easier on the people.

Sites and features

Since the area between the two rivers is a marshy grassland, there are no mentionable bigger settlements south of 'Afhein. Not only does the ground not lend itself to the construction of a big city, but also the marsh is riddled with mosquitoes, snakes, crocodiles and all kinds of hazardous critters. A kind of transportation way has been installed though, as explorers, fishers and traders go south regularly to exploit the ressources that can be found there. The most noteworthy ones are wood from the 'Aglous Kólgú as well as clay from the river itself, since further north Nuat Duinis Talou is poor in clay deposits and also has very few rivers, most of which are very small, which could carry sediments with them. The Hruzk Mountains have some silver mines, which are fought over by the Duiniken as well as adjacent Andaperna city states.

Importance to the Duiniken

The 'Abra Fhuilis is the only stretch of coastline, that can be navigated, albeit with special and sturdy vessels. Unlike the northern part of the Duinis 'Árforat, around the mouth of the Fhuil, the fertility of the waters comes from the sediments of the rivers, not the conflux of two ocean currents from the North and South. The waters are not clear, but rather murky and brackish because of the two big rivers. This gives the area a completely different makeup of sea life. On the sandy and muddy ground, there are many flatfish, sea cucumbers, jellyfish, mudcrabs and even two kinds of sea turtles. These animals are hunted for food and complement the Duiniken cuisine.

Estuary / River delta


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Aug 30, 2024 17:08 by Secere Laetes

Schon witzig, wenn so was bereits eine geschützte Gegend ist. Das sagt viel über die Gegend aus, wo die Duiniken nun siedeln. Yay zu den zwei Seeschildkrötenarten ^^.