Fhid'ou Lóm oath stone Item in Samthô | World Anvil
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Fhid'ou Lóm oath stone

General introduction

The oath stone of the Fhid'ou Lóm is deeply connected to the Talmoudahhian's internalised and unswerving intent to overthrow the current Duiniken dynasty and reclaim the throne they perceive to have been unjustly bereft of. The oath stone is an artifact filled with all the hatred, contempt and ill will the Talmoudahhians harbour for those who put them to shame hundreds of years ago.

It is a small, portable altar, dedicated to 'Arhhianna, goddess of change, force and strategy, a goddess which is not revered by the other Duiniken any more, as she is considered unhinged, fierce and brutal.

Role and significance

Every clúntidh, that is the apprentice of the Fhid'ou Lóm, has to first swear allegiance to the Fhid'ou Lóm as witnessed by 'Arhhianna at the oath stone. For this a sacrifice of their own blood has to be made on the cone shaped protusion on the flat surface of the small altar. A cut is made across the palm of the left hand and the blood is dropped from the then clutched fist onto the cone. Under an invocation of 'Arhhianna chanted by the Ma'orsáhh Cainid, the clúntidh places his hand on the cone. He swears an oath to the cause, during which a mark invisible to those not adept is left on the very palm of the clúntidh.

Later, when the clúntidh proceeds to the rank of the Ma'orsáhh Cainid, he invokes 'Arhhianna again, repeating the ritual with his own right hand. 'Arhhianna, pleased with the reverence, aids her worshippers in numerous and twisted ways, leading them ever so slowly, yet ever so consistently towards their goal: the reclaiming of the Duiniken throne and the humiliation of the current dynasty, bringing about what she stands for - violent change.

Item type
Unique Artifact


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