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Múr Hhraigán

Short introduction

The múr hhraigán is a sea turtle living mostly close to the shore around some of the southern continents as well as the eastern part of Erana. It is a medium sized animal which reaches lengths of about 4 feet, three, only counting the carapax. The múr hhraigán is a common sight in the shores and is part of many cultures who live with it, finding its way into things from cuisine to cults.

Appearance, distribution and ecology

As said the múr hhraigán is of medium size for a sea turtle. Its carapace is olive green to a greenish brown and its plastron off white with darker irregular spots. The front flippers are disproportionally long for a sea turtle, giving them a span of almost one and a half time wider than its total length. The skin colour on the upper part of the animal is greyish dark with a hint of flesh-colour, while the lighter lower half is flesh coloured with yellowish undertones.

The múr hhraigán lives off the coast of central eastern and southeastern Erana all the way to the archipelagic continent of Iseigu, stretching over the eastern, northern and western coasts of Murahisi and the very northern tips of Emniyama. The 'Abra Fhuilis is the northernmost area where this turtle can be found, while the shores around the Aibūl Árti just north of Emniyama marks the southernmost range of the species.

Behaviour, cultural role and use

Múr Hhraigán prefer to live closer to the shores and are only seldomly found in the open sea, although they traverse it sometimes to settle on other shores. Towards beings possessing the Gift of Reason, they behave quite docile. They feel well protected with their sturdy shells and are not shy at all. When approached, they remain indifferent or show a little interest. Only when being harrassed or caught and somehow fixated, they start kicking around and biting. As with a lot of turtles, because of its sharpness the beaks can dish out vicious bites. Otherwise the animal poses no threat at all.

Depending on the area, the múr hhraigán is a part of peoples handicrafts, since its shells can be worked into fine jewellery, kitchen utensils, tokens for games or pieces of art. Some also collect either their eggs and eat them or hunt them for food. But using them in cuisine is not too widespread, as their meat and eggs have a very strong taste only the fewest find pleasant.


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Aug 30, 2024 21:38 by Secere Laetes

Hm, hier ist was verschoben, aber egal. Meeresschildkröten. Oder eher Strandschildkröten? Vielleicht sind ja die Vorderflossen stärker, um besser gegen Strömungen anzukommen? Jedenfalls schöne Tiere und ich bin froh, dass sie (Menschen) nicht wirklich schmecken. Das verlängert definitiv das Leben, auch wenn immer noch genügend mit ihnen gemacht wird.