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General introduction

The sáladeires ('seekers' in Duinis 'Éch) are a subdivision of the Priestresses of Tán Nám who are sent out into Nuat Duinis Talou to look for and after women in need. They are an important institution for recruitment also, as their task is also to test women for their aptitude to join the order. In some cases individuals are not fit to fill higher roles within the order, but they are nonetheless invited to join for their own safety and well-being.

Specialisation and cooperations

The sáladeires have a close relationship to the leading circle of the Priestresses of Tán Nám, especially since they know best which ranks are in need of refilling and what kinds of personalities and talents are required for these positions. Other than that they also can be seen as a form of intelligence division of the cult, observing as they travel and reporting back to the Tuirbéláhh regularly.

To stay unnoticed, the sáladeires travel in casual clothing, giving away no hints of their affiliation with the cult. They may appear as a regular female traveller on her way to do some business, trade something ,which requires some sort of equipment as a cover-up, or to make a pilgrimage or visit relatives.

Role and reputation

As the Priestresses of Tán Nám are a mystery cult, this subdivision of them is unknown to all outsiders. Even other well established organisations like the Fhid'ou Lóm are unaware of its existence. While noone knows what is happening in the closed off confines of the Tuirbéláhh and in the cult in general, it could well pose a threat to any existing party within Nuat Duinis Talou or outside. The secrecy creates a certain amount of unease and the supposed strong backing from within the kings palace, which thwarted all attempts to get closer insights into the cult or forbid it entirely adds to this feeling. While this might just be a cult of well-meaning practitioners of some belief related to womens in need well-being, it could also be a nest of corruption and conspiracy. So far, though, the priestresses have never meddled negatively in religious, political and military affairs.

Religious, Other


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