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Srád Lónrálous

General introduction

The Priestresses of Tán Nám worship - first and foremost - Reiridh, the goddess of the warm autumnal sun, of plentyful and safe harvests and of fires, specifically harvest fires (Duinis 'Éch: fhoime tein) which are a form of worship) and bonfires. One of their signature items is the srád lónrálous (spider net shard), a kind of charm made from Leindar and painted with a net design in gold.

Indeed, while the main material, Leindar, is new to the cult, as it was only discovered in Nuat Duinis Talou, the type of object, a white carrier for a gold décor, has been around in Reiridh worship ever since. Also the unusual usage of gold, which the Duiniken do not cherish as much as silver or silvery metals, is rare, but normal for this cult. It stems from the gossamer, covered in dew, being shone on by the autumn sun.

Role and significance

Srád lónrálous are a means of earning money for the cult. Old ladies sell them by the streets, either randomly or on special events like festivities or holidays. As elderly people have a jester's licence after being stripped of their family and political responsibilities, they remain untouched by everyone as long as they do no harm of course. The money made by selling the srád lónrálous finds its way into the coffer of the cult somehow. Either the old women go on pilgrimages, delivering it themselves or they give it to fellow members of the cult they know to deliver it.

As Reiridhs boon is sought after by many, women in need, but also people working on the fields or owning farmland and thus being dependant on good harvests, srád lónrálous are to be found everywhere easily. Even if Reiridh is primarily not a protector goddess for women, the cults connection to her lets these boundaries blur and makes these items an interesting buy for many.

The shape of the shard resembles either a leaf, a grain head or a flower petal. Sometimes symbols or letters are drawn or written between the spaces of the net or web design on the shard.

Item type
Religious / Ritualistic


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Aug 8, 2024 10:27

Now this article stood out to me because of the name - which I have to say, very glad it has a meaning that you've explained here, always fun. I'm also intrigued by it being made from Leindar, not had chance to read that article yet but just having that extra layer of depth makes this feel fleshed out to the point of believability. For adding more, I'd be fascinated to know more about why it exists as is. For example, it may be my lack of familiarity with your world, but I'd like to know why it is designed with a net design? Is there a lore reason, or some kind of myth to explain why it is the case? This isn't problem things though, just what popped into my mind as I read through this article

Aug 30, 2024 07:52 by Secere Laetes

Ich schließe mich Arger Growlers Frage wegen dem Netz an ^^. Ansonsten wollte ich los werden, dass mich dieser Artikel auf eine Reise mitnahm, die schließlich 6 Artikel umspannte, weil eins auf dem anderen aufbaute. Sehr gut.