Dakkel (Dah-kel)

Age: 1000 (Moderate) | Size: Medium | Population: 2000ish Almost Entirely Human
Friendliness: ☠️☠️☠️☠️ | Services: ☠️☠️☠️☠️ | Military Preparedness: ☠️☠️☠️
Governmental Leader: Caeg Halili - Hereditary Mayor
Militia: Pipoy Orongan - Pirate Captain
Worshiped Gods: Waika and Cavawhat


  City controlled in name by a hereditary mayor without any actual control, instead actually run by organized crime (In a very lose sense of the word).   Dakkel, is a tribal island that was inhabited by the first wave a Samudrans to leave the first land called the Dakkeli people. The people settled Ovisa, Dakkel and Mauga Mu, however the populace in Ovisa were killed in a great Volcano years ago and the populace in Mauga Mu were killed in a genocide by the second wave of Samudrans. The population on Dakkel have dealt with a lot of struggles over the years, and have on many occassions been raided by the lizardfolk from both Laitiiti and Mahina, as well as many pirates. The mayor of the city had failed to protect them for years and so many of them, turned to pirates to defend them. The pirates are often treated very well in the city, many of the kids in the city want to become pirates. The Pirates took over before the death of the previous mayor (50 years ago) due to poor control, and while he would fight against the pirates he very quickly lost the support of the population. When his son took over after his death instead of fighting back against the pirates he embraced them and is actually well supported by the pirates, who often implement public work projects to help improve the island, as many of the current pirate band in control were born on the island and wish to see it improved. While the island is run by organized crime it really isn't often raided by them, the pirates instead collect tax in exchange for protection and governance. Other pirates are welcome in the city, but know not to cause much trouble due to the protection granted by the Dakkel Pirates.  


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