Facts of the World


Player Info

  Due to the campaign theme and location not every race is present, and some classes require some work to retrofit. The current present races are
Common Races: Humans, Lizardfolk, Halflings
Uncommon Races: Grung, Tortle, Tritons and Locathah
Rare Races: Aarakocra, Mousefolk, Tabaxi, Kobolds Aberrant: Changelings, Dragonborn, Gith, Kalashtar, Aasimar, Tiefling, Dhampir
Every other race is playable but will require a good reason (Maybe something they need the Wish spell to fix).   The classes that require retrofitting would be any class that uses heavy or medium armor (metal armors will not work on ships and underwater) and artificers. Druids, Clerics and Paladins should talk to me about playing around a religious system of Animism (which won’t make things difficult, just different). Lastly, weapons will all be a bit different than standard Western Weapons. This world has very little metal in it, so traditional steel swords are few and far between (look for Japanese inspiration when they do exist). Instead most people would use polynesian weaponry that I’ll discuss more below (a lot more blunt or jagged rock weaponry).   Lastly every character will be given a particular boon, that shall level up as complete specific tasks. Please talk to me about what types of boons you may want.  

Quick Facts about the World

  One of the primary types of religion of the region is Animism. There are gods that are worshiped, but they are worshiped in congruence to spirits that exist in most things. While there are powerful overarching spirits, Spirits of a forest, or a river, every single thing has an amount of mana that is important to respect and protect. This idea of Animism is far more prevalent on certain Islands, whereas others will worship just the prevalent religious pantheon of the region.  

Major Cities

  Modal: The capital of the empire that runs north to the island of Ovisa and far south (Tho they claim to control all of Samudra). This is a bustling city and a cultural hub that is disconnected from a lot of the themes of the land. If you are playing an unlisted race or an Aarakocra or Tabaxi you come from here. The majority of the people are Humans or Lizardfolk (Monitor)
Ovisa: a small militaristic city set up at the edge of the military control of the empire. The city is run as a police/ military state. The populace is mostly Human and a large part military servicemen.
Magua Mu: A tribal village with a democratically elected mayor. Population mostly Humans and Mousefolk.
Dakkel: A pirate run city with a hereditary ruler who holds no power. The city is run by a particular pirate band and is a haven for pirates in general as long as you stay on the good side of the leader. Mostly Humans
Mahina: A lizardfolk (Iguana) and halfling city run by a Half-Dragon. While outsiders are allowed they are distrusted here
Laitiiti: Smaller Lizardfolk (Gecko) tribe live on this island
Bassit: Small population of aggressive Grung
Kalakatoa: Small population of Peaceful Tortles
Hantu: Uninhabited island, famous for the Night March

Campaign Hooks

  This campaign takes place in the world of Samudra, a Polynesian themed region. Samudra is made up of many tropical islands. Your characters will be members of a pirate ship captained by Captain Pono. You all set out as pirates to search for a great treasure known as the Crown of Wish Pearls. A set of 5 Pearls that when woven into a crown would allow the wearers a wish for each of the 5 pearls. Your personal motivation will be that you have been inflicted with some problem only fixable by a wish spell. The problem is up to you to decide, it could be something disconnected like your mother dying of cancer afflicted in an irreversible way, or reviving a dead love destroyed in such a way only the wish spell could revive. Or something directly affecting your character, like a soul bound contract with an Arch-Devil or reversing a curse set upon you by a dark power or Arch-Fey. Talk to me about your specific reason and I’ll help you set up something that would fit.  

Keys to the Pearl Crown

  If you don’t already know about the pearl crown: This campaign centers around the plot to find 5 wish pearls to create the crown of wishes that would grant each party member a single wish. There are a few wish pearls spread around the land, but their existence is so rare that nearly no one on earth knows where even 1 of them are. The most famous myth surrounding them is the myth of the 7 isles, a belief that there are 7 isles far beyond the lands of Samudra, that each house 1 wish pearl. Pirates have been searching for these wish pearls but as the story goes none of them have been found yet.   Each of you desperately needs a wish for some reason or another, and are determined to be the ones to finally find the pearls.   New Info: These Islands are not reachable through normal means. You can’t just sail for a week and get to them. The only way to reach each of these islands is with a very special Key of sorts. A pattern, or path you must follow perfectly. The problem is, seemingly no one knows these Key. Though obviously that’s not entirely true, every island has either a key, or something deeper that would lead you to a pearl, but it's up to you to figure out how to get that key, whether it's someone who’s been hiding the secret to the key for a millenia or more, or its buried deep underneath the island in a dungeon lost to time.  

Plot Hooks: Stories of the land

  Beyond the main hooks for the keys, you are still running a pirate ship and still exploring a D&D World. Scattered on every island are a variety of story hooks, whether they are just for fun challenges thrown into the mixture, or story hooks based around character backstories, or adventure board quests for monetary rewards there are tons of possible adventures scattered around the land. It is completely up to you which island you want to go to first or next, and I won’t push you to any islands in particular.   Just remember as you are taking quests to put enough money aside to pay your ship hands

World Codex

Ship Info


Ship Crew



Map of Samudra Base Map Image