Fanga Ki'i (Fahn-ga Kee-ee)

Age: 1500 (Old) | Size: Tiny | Population: 100ish Almost Entirely Sea Elves
Friendliness: ☠️☠️☠️☠️ | Services: ☠️☠️ | Military Preparedness: ☠️☠️☠️
Governmental Leader: Cylinor Cyorwyn, , Fayeth Genvaris
Militia: Wyn Kellee - Champion/Defacto General
Worshiped Gods: Waika


  City was established in the warm fertile waters near Kalakatoa. The city is built into the reefs, finding natural entrances in through gaps in the coral that extend to the ground, carving their way into the earth. Because of this the city is completely disguised and is nearly impossible to find unless you know what you are looking for. The sea elves live very communally, with such a small population everyone in town knows everyone else.   A bit away but in the same reef sits the ruins of Old Fanga Ki'i, a city built on top the reef rather than amongst it. After a raid from the Sahuagin around 700 years ago killed nearly half of the Sea Elf population including the old Town Elder at the time, Zaos Kellee, the town looked to Cylinor Xyrzorwyn for direction, and she decided to move the town underground. It took many years to rebuild, but it was a worthwhile decision as the Sea Elves have been able to avoid any raids from any other groups since then. They have been attacked on occasion but always in the waters outside of the city with the city remaining free from damage.


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