Kio'e (Kee-oh-ee)

Age: 2000 (Old) | Size: Small | Population: 500ish Almost All Mousefolk
Friendliness: ☠️☠️☠️☠️ | Services: ☠️☠️☠️ | Military Preparedness: ☠️☠️☠️
Governmental Leader: Jerald Cricketcatcher - Hereditary Chief
Militia: Raichu Fleetpaw - General
Worshiped Gods: Papo and Capinpin


This community has been around for a long time. The Mousefolk grew a small community very focused on the arts. It has a Chief who's rule is passed down familialy over the history of the town, but while he rules and makes executive decisions the majority of the town operates Communally making decisions by common consensus. The most monumental timeframe of the Kio'e city history happened around 1000 years ago when the Dakkeli people moved from the mainland and settled the city. The Dakkeli people and the mousefolk did not get along and were often at war over the island. Over a 300 year timeframe both groups remained at war ebbing and flowing in how warm the war was, but thousands of Dakkeli people and Mousefolk lost their lives in that time. Around 700 years ago the Maugati people arrived upon the island and began settling a different area. When they first arrived they found the two tribes at war. Knowing they wouldn't be able to compete with the original group of Dakkeli on this island they allied with the Mousefolk on the island and fought one final battle which they won. After the war the two groups slaughtered nearly every Dakkeli person on the island they could find, razing the old city and building a new city on a different area of the island. This decision is viewed in mixed light by modern mousefolk and Maguati people, but both still understand the reasonings of their ancestors even if they do not agree with their actions. Today the Mousefolk people often honor the fallen compatriots in battle with artwork and paintings of great Mousefolk wizards and warriors of past eras. Great Mousefolk warrior names often get passed around to mousefolk who are believed to have greatness in them, to carry on the tradition.   The mousefolk look at all the population the same, knowing they need to work together in case of future wars. They have at least a moderate trust of the Mauga Mu people, but any other outsiders are often seen with at least a slight air of distrust.   Some Maugati people have been able to enter the Mousefolk underground and it is seen as a great sign of trust for them. The Maugati people often find it difficult to maneuver through though due to the low ceilings often at about 4 feet high.   Some Famous great mice names include: Mikay, Wheaty, Pinecone, Plusle, Terminator, Jerald, Oddball, Fievel, Kiwi, Papaya, Choncc, Lenny and Remi  

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