Māhiná (May-hee-nah)

Age: 1500 (Old) | Size: Large | Population: 4,500ish About half Lizardfolk half Halflings
Friendliness: ☠️☠️ | Services: ☠️☠️☠️ | Military Preparedness: ☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️
Governmental Leader: King Gizzard - King
Militia: King Gizzard - General Worshiped Gods: Semuanya


This city was originally a tribal home for a group of Iguana Lizardfolk. They were native to this island, or at least as native to this island as they can remember. At the start the unorganized Lizardfolk tribe would often go out raiding other islands murdering and eating people and stealing goods from them. One day around 1000 years ago they traveled to a small far away island and met a tribe of halflings in the middle of a religious feast, they threatened to eat the halflings, but the halflings made a deal where the lizardfolk would try the food they prepared and if they liked it they wouldn't eat them, but if they didn't they could. Luckily for the halfling the Lizardfolk, loved the food so much they brought the halfling home to live with them in unity, where they created a vibrant city (See Fairy Tale Above).   Around 300 years ago a Half Dragon showed up in town garnering a lot of interest from the Lizardfolk. With his obvious draconic heritage the Lizardfolk would follow him around listening to what he had to say. The Half-Dragon, named Gizzard had not come to the island initially to rule, but instead to sample the world renowned food he had heard of, but ever an enterprising fellow he quickly realized what he had on his hands. The Lizardfolk population was for the most part ungoverned, instead just operating on collective interest, and while they wouldn't follow just anyone when a creature of such noble draconic heritage was brought before them it didn't take much effort for them to submit. Within a week of arriving upon the island the Lizardfolk population were entirely convinced to follow his lead, and he was given the title of King. King Gizzard   The halflings of the village took a bit more convincing. But Gizzard was very intelligent, he met with the halfling council that previously run the village and promised them wealth and freedom. He would be the king, commanding the lizardfolk to his will, but to them he would earn their trust by supporting them financially, and he would give them heavy freedom not imposing many strict laws over their populace and meeting with them regularly to discuss any important decisions he would have to make. And so he began funneling resources and workforce into supporting the development of their city, commanding the lizardfolk to help them build better gardens and public structures growing the halfling district into an incredibly vibrant and beautiful district of town. The lizardfolk did not mind as they trusted their leader fully and knew not to question or even think about his decisions. They also liked the halflings and Gizzard would often tell them that these developments would only improve the taste of the halflings food (which it absolutely did).   It took King Gizzard less than a year to have the entire populace under his control, and happily so. He continues to rule even to this day 300 years later with the population very happy with his rule. The halfling council are still consulted in any declarations he makes over them, and he still helps them with lizardfolk workforce for whatever they need. In exchange he asks them to help out with some very important measures he has set up for the lizardfolk.   Gizzard knew the Lizardfolk had a general proclivity for the weak, injured, old and infertile of the population to honorably kill themselves. He wanted to reverse that trend, seeing great use in even the weakest of the Lizardfolk as miners or builders even if they couldn't go out to war. He also knew with good medical practice he could cure a lot of the injured lizardfolk returning from war, rather than their general practice of honorable suicide. So he funded a hospital run by the halflings to help the injured and sick Lizardfolk and halflings. Older lizardfolk who couldn't even work the mines anymore were put to work elsewhere as they would never accept an existence without meaning. They were often put to work in hospitals as orderly, as livestock farmers, or in the marketplace distributing goods to other Lizardfolk. These changes resulted in the Lizardfolk and halfling population skyrocketing over the last 3 centuries from a tribe of maybe a couple hundred of each to thousands of each.   There is a giant shield volcano near the city, Gizzard had a massive wall built to direct any lava flow away from the city itself, and as it is a Shield volcano it only leaks lava and does not erupt  

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