
These humanoids seem rather ordinary and even human from a distance. In place of a head these people have the form of a long spined sea urchin. A well protected circular shell with articulating spines that are each more than a foot in length, the spines are seemingly uncountable easily in the hundreds. Each slowly moving and pointing at anything that approaches. There is no safe direction to engage them from. With no obvious back or front they cannot be snuck up upon.   Close inspection by someone brave enough and unafraid of the spines will reveal tiny blue eyes counting in the hundreds, as numerous as the spikes, close to the shelled circular body. The spines themselves directed by those eyes almost independently. A Diademe can concentrate on many threats at the same time.   Beware the spines, they are supernaturally sharp made from calcite crystals, capable of piercing through armor and skin. Rather than stabbing and sliding back out the way a dagger would, the spines are actually a series of tiny hooked cones stacked one ontop of another. The tip breaks off inside of the body of their victims, revealing a fresh point, sharp as can be. It takes days for the broken off calcite to break down in a living body. Though the spike will eventually break down the deep purples that it is colored will linger leaving marks on the skin that will last for months, sometimes longer.  

Mark of the Diademe

  Deeppirates tell that the touch of a Diademe can carry the curse of their people. For so long as the mark from their spines lingers one is said to be afflicted with ill omen and dark unluck. The exact effect is different for each afflicted, their own personality and life seeming to inform the mystical expression of the curse.
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