The Butcher Character in Sanctuary | World Anvil
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The Butcher

A terrifying demon dwelling beneath the Tristram Cathedral, he was responsible for the massacre of countless citizens and would-be adventurers who dared to plumb the depths of the labyrinth.
  Confronted in his is lair by heroic travelers during the Darkening of Tristram, the beast was eventually slain and left to rot among the bodies of the countless victims that filled his chamber.

Physical Description

Special abilities

Rip the Flesh - The Butcher can use his wicked cleaver to leave gushing wounds in his victims that quickly bleed them dry unless medical attention is swiftly provided.
  Tear the Flesh - The Butcher can tear his opponents' flesh with his grisly hook, leaving cursed wounds that refuse to heal, even in the presence of magic.
  Hooked Weapons - Adept at keeping his opponents close, the Butcher uses his hooked weapons to drag his would-be victims back to him should they try to escape.

Specialized Equipment

Butcher's Cleaver - A jagged, over-sized cleaver used to hack apart the demon's victims.
  Butchers Meathook - A wickedly barbed hook used to control and restrain the Butcher's enemies as he tore them apart.

Location: Tristram Cathedral
Species: Unknown Demon
  Resistances: None
Immunities: None
Vulnerabilities: None


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