
"I got nothin but love for those Necs, don't care what you say. You don't like bein' around death? Then what the heck you doin' at the Oasis? You know Miss Berna over there's got corpses in the back room most nights of the week. Death's a part of life and I'll play cards with any Nec, now, who's dealin'?"


Other Benefits

Despite social views there are many establishments like the Creeping Oasis who provide free food, lodging, and services to any passing Necromancer in appreciation of their thankless service.



Necromancers are responsible for combatting the ever growing Bishop population. In the early days many attempts were made to kill the Bishops, but even the most powerful Rex was little match for a pack of the creatures. When the first Nec arrived in the final days of Claystown it gave the people their first hope of surviving the relentless attacks. Today the Necs operate with an informal organization, meeting up ocassionally to discuss territorial problems or to deal with larger infestations.

Social Status

Necromancers are considered a necessary evil for life to continue in the wake of the Nezzonite collapse. Their close association with dead things has lead to many rumors of Necs carrying the diseases of death. Despite social disgust it's considered wise to respect your local Nec while keeping a safe distance.


As with many mysteries Necromancy is believed to have originated in the deep west far beyond where Unifited Territory scouts have been able to venture and survive.If Eunices tales are to be believed, the first Necs came from settlements near Death Valley. Unwary settlers trying to establish a settlement found themselves touched by the souls of the dead before venturing outward to share their cursed knowledge.Others say they gave themselves willingly to the dead when their settlement began to fail. In a final moment of desperation they stumbled deep into the valley letting the fiery eyed dead take their souls for the gift of controlling their abandoned corpses.
Alternative Names
Necs, Snuffers
Social Services

Cover image: by Darth Nikolas via


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