
"If you wanna know somethin' 'bout me, ask Herman. He knows everything there is to know and if he don't tell you it's cuz it ain't none of yer beeswax. Now who's dealin'?"

Mental characteristics

Personal history

The facts of where Eunice came from and her life vary depending on who's telling the story. Most believe she came from the west as a girl and settled on the outskirts of Claystown shortly after it was founded. Many a grandpap, however, will insist she was already a crone when she arrived and should have died decades ago though that fact has stopped none of them from associating with her. Eunice is little help in establishing her own history since the dates of her stories change with each telling.
Despite her frequent innacuracies she is still regarded as the surest history of the region and has been interviewed by several historians over the years. Unfortunately upon comparing notes each realized they were given a different chronology of events.


Family Ties

Eunice claims to have taken three husbands during her years traveling from the west. All three are believed to haved died during the journey and none gave her any children. Since settling in Claystown she has received several marriage proposals and even accepted two, though both men died before they could marry.

Social Aptitude

While Eunice's innumerable eccentricities and tall tales make many question her sanity she is well loved by the community. Many residents consider her a friend though she is quick to remind them that Herman is her only friend.

Hobbies & Pets

The only being Eunice considers a true friend and companion is her trusty steed Herman the Utaraptor.

Eunice spends most nights tucked in the back corner of the Creeping Oasis partaking in her only true passion, cards. While her skill is known all around town she still attracts a constant crowd restuling in many Claystown's residents without cash or indebted to her. Some debts she trades for favors while others she carefully tracks and collects ongoing payments.
Current Location
Gray Green
Long wavy salt and pepper hair, heavy on the salt
5' 8"
93 lbs
Known Languages

Cover image: by Darth Nikolas via


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