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Tarturus Isopods

The largest known mortal isopod is lives amongst the ever twisting waters of Centipede's Labyrinth. Tarturus isopds feed off the dead and dying though as scavengers they are not above snatching anything foolish enough to swim near its jaws.  


The isopods are some of the most unusual looking marine specimens having a mottled brown and orange appearance that is more associated with their much smaller terrestrial cousins. As the others of their family of arthropods they have a oval sometimes refered to as pill shaped segmented body. Each segment has two limbs on each side other then the leg and tail segments. The tail segments of the Tartururs isopod is especially elongated and can flare in and out like a fishes tail allowing it to swim effectively for a crawling creature of its size and weight.   Its eyes are almost nonexistent and seem to locate prey through chemical trails and touch. To assist with this they are equipped with excellent scent receptors that can be compared as better then a dogs and an additional pair of antenna to a total of four where other species have only two. They eldest specimens of an estimated 40 years in age are over three feet long and up to a foot across.  


  As the expeditions to Centipede's Labyrinth are especially dangerous even with powerful enchanted equipment like Clearwater Harness s observations of these creatures is rare. It is known that the female isopods like many others of their kind, hold the fertilized eggs in pouches on their underside until they hatch. It is presumed that after this the young are left to their own devices as no young have been spotted trailing adult ispods. Instead presumed young have been spotted among the lower levels of the vent structures scavenging for food but they have not been confirmed as the offspring of Tarturus isopods and could be a separate species.

Cover image: by Evie Magpie(myself)


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