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Verdent Halcyon

The country has been self strangulating for the better half of the century, I don't intend to stand by while innocent victims are tossed aside for their suffering.
— Alabaster Griffin founder of Verdent Halcyon
  In the middle of nowhere a lone lady drives a wagon laden with everything the she could get her hands on. Tools, books, cloth, anything she could pillage from that spirit cursed manor and her oxen could pull. Alabaster had dug her heels in and scraped every advantage she could muster getting a large parcel of land planning to see as little as other people as possible. However life has a way of changing you plans and when the first few others afflicted with Chimirism walked all the way out she found that while people had turned their back on her she couldn't bear to stoop to their level. Thus began Verdent Halcyon.   The town was only a small homestead for a long time, Alabaster didn't advertise she was out there only taking trips to the nearest town to sell her produce and buy seed before riding back into the hills. The land she had bought was fertile but hilly and full of rocks from the mountains, possibly the only reason she had managed to buy it was the amount of work making a profit would be. Alabaster was fine with that, as long as ends met. She was living vengeance spitting in the face of the people who would have murdered her as well as her kin that had turned their backs to her.   After that first meager harvest was gathered, after that first winter bared its frosted fangs it went from the story of Alabaster to the story of everyone. So, that spring the farm was named Verdant Halcyon for an old myth, and if you were a chimera that wanted a quiet life you had a place there.   Verdant Halcyon grew in tides over the years starting with that one house and barn and blooming into close knit town. These days Verdant Halcyon has its original general store as well as more specialized shops that were built over the years. It has all the levels of education up to a community collage as well as plenty of apprenticeship opportunities with the local crafts if they'd prefer to pursue those. The town is know for being founded and mostly inhabited by those with Chimeric Mutation Syndrome (CMS) as well as their wool and linen textiles.   With a sudden rise in CMS victims the population of the town has had a sudden rise as well that is causing some issues. Housing has been stretched with several old buildings being converted to apartments to keep up with demand. Jobs have also been in high demand many people from larger cities not being used to the slower pace at which Verdant Halcyon moves.

Founder: Alabaster Griffen

Inhabitant Demonym

Cover image: by Evie Magpie(myself)


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